Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

感恩節吃吮指王開箱評價 – 在台灣就能吃到像火雞的烤全雞 / Shun Zhi Wang King in Taiwan for Thanksgiving – Whole Roast Chicken that Tastes Just Like Turkey- Open Box Review

感恩節吃吮指王開箱評價 – 在台灣就能吃到像火雞的烤全雞 / Shun Zhi Wang King in Taiwan for Thanksgiving – Whole Roast Chicken that Tastes Just Like Turkey- Open Box Review

(Scroll down for English Version / 英文版向下看)

  • 先看時尚高潮YT開箱吃播影片 / Watch Our Youtube Open Box & Mukbang Video First:

每當西方文化中的重大節日即將來臨時,我的心都會一點一點的死去。 我住在一個不屬於自己靈魂的文化、與自己國家節日價值觀完全不同的島上。 殘編雖然移居台灣已經五年,手持合法台灣身份證,但仍覺得自己是個格格不入的外星人。基因關係我雖然有一張亞洲面孔,但卻因為中文不好、常吃螺絲而深受在地人排擠。 五年前的大中風沒帶我離開人間,卻留我一個半死不活的軀體。我的人生似乎早已在那次中風時結束,現在的生命不算生命。在無法交到任何真心朋友的狀況下,這幾年來,我都是孤單的活著,活得很空虛。社交媒體和我僅存的回憶是我的氧氣筒;我透過社交媒體,看著其他人繼續的生活下去。 我看著身邊的朋友一個個結婚、生子、建立家庭、做我這個年紀應該做的一切。 不過老實說,在我人生劃上休止符時,如果連氧氣筒都被拔管,我還真不知道如何活下去。於是我就繼續像個局外人一樣,在這個世界看著人生的跑馬燈、帶著破碎的心靈走下去…

英文版 / English version:
Every time a major holiday in Western culture is around the corner, a little bit of me dies. I live on an island with their own culture, own holidays, and completely different own values. Despite relocating here for five years and having a legitimate Taiwanese ID, I still feel like an alien, not to mention being discriminated against for not speaking perfect Chinese yet having an Asian face. However, thanks to social media, even when my life practically ended five years ago with my stroke, I’ve been surviving through memories and other people’s lives. I watch everyone getting married, starting a family, raising kids, doing everything a person should be doing at my age. But, if I have to be completely honest, it kills me to see the world live on like an outsider while I remain on hiatus. It feels like a flashback before death.

我遍尋整個台北市找到了一家中南海熱炒買甕仔桂花雞,好吃到足以讓我在感恩節暫時脫離孤獨的現實。今年,當我一如往常堅持要過感恩節時,殘媽提議去同一家中南海熱炒甕仔桂花雞,但我拒絕了;英文有一句諺語「 NEVER SETTLE」,意指「永遠不要處於安逸的狀態」。基於責任心,殘編做了更多的搜尋研究。畢竟西方國家為了感恩節烤一隻火雞可忙上一整天、甚至兩天,如果不付出一點努力來準備,哪像在過感恩節?那我豈不是就像這個島上許多人一樣成為不懂感恩、忘恩負義的小子嗎?就這樣我開始尋鳥之旅。

英文版 / English version:
I guess it’s no surprise that locals here don’t give a shyt about Thanksgiving. The land is filled with trolls and trolls only. The only thing that can possibly make trolls thankful are probably stepping stones. Living with disabilities, I practically have no life. So, I celebrate every holiday of the year, but the two holidays that I care about are Thanksgiving and Christmas, which are not observed in Taiwan. Maybe Thanksgiving made turkey my favourite meat. But what kills me is even if people celebrate Thanksgiving here, there’s nowhere to find turkeys and no oven big enough to roast them. So each year, I discover substitutions like a whole chicken unique and worthy enough to manipulate myself into thinking that I’m having a legit turkey for Thanksgiving. If you remember from last year’s post, I searched across Taipei city and discovered Urn Roast chicken, which was good enough to make me forget about my loneliness. This year, when I insisted on celebrating Thanksgiving, my mom suggested we get the same urn roast chicken, I refused. It’s no Thanksgiving if I don’t put a little effort into preparing for it, or it just makes me another ungrateful brat like everyone else on this island. Besides, “never settle,” right? So I embark on my “bird-hunting” journey.

平常殘編會在過節的前好幾天、甚至前幾週就做好準備,但這裡的人不慶祝感恩節,今年的感恩節竟然就不聲不響的悄悄來臨,我直到當天才察覺。在沒有太多時間做研究和挑選之餘,托現代科技之福,在網路的幫助下,殘編感恩節當天臨時抱佛腳竟也能找到熊貓外送票選全台北最好吃全烤雞,就決定相信它。果然,皇天不負苦心人, 今年,我發現一家比去年更好吃烤雞殘編以下為您做介紹:

英文版 / English version:
I’m a helpless romantic, I always plan way ahead for any occasion and event, however, since people here don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, there was absolutely no fuss before I realized it was Thanksgiving the day of. Luckily, with the help of the internet, it wasn’t hard to find the top-voted whole roast chicken in Taipei. Since I didn’t have much time to pick and choose, I just decided to go with it. I’m glad I didn’t settle. This year, I found yet another whole roast chicken even better than last year. Introducing you to Shun Zhi Wang, voted the best chicken in Taipei.

• 吮指王菜單 / The Menu at Shun Zhi Wang KING:

吮指王菜單包括以多種方式烹製的雞肉菜單,包括炸雞排雞米花雞屁股以及您在當地台灣鹽酥雞攤販上可以找到的一系列油炸物小吃。 除了台式系列的吮指王菜單還包括一系列的「美式炸雞」系列。 從圖片上看,「台式炸雞」和「美式炸雞」的區別是「台式炸雞」是裹麵衣下去油炸,而「美式炸雞」是裹麵包粉炸。所以想吃口感香脆一點的饕客們,殘編建議選擇「美式炸雞」系列。 雖然殘家只有一老一殘兩個弱女子,一整隻全烤雞足以餵飽我們, 但沒有一整桌滿漢大餐哪像在過感恩節? 所以,我硬是加點了一份「脆薯條」。

英文版 / English version:
Shun Zhi Wang KING offers a full menu of chicken prepared in many ways, including deep-fried chicken cutlet, popcorn chicken, chicken butt and an array of deep-fried munchies you’d find at a local Taiwanese fried-chicken stand. In addition to the Taiwanese-style chickens, Shun Zhi Wang‘s menu includes an “American-stylefried chicken section. Judging from the images, the differences between the “Taiwanese-style Fried Chicken” and “American-style Fried Chicken” are the Taiwanese ones are battered, whereas the “American-stylefried chickens are crumbled. So, if you’re craving for crispy, opt for the “American-style.” Even though there are only two weak women in this household, a full-on whole chicken seemed plentiful for a meal already. However, it’s no Thanksgiving without a full table of food, am I wrong? So, I threw in a side of “Crispy fries.”

  • 吮指王熊貓外送服務 / Shun Zhi Wang King x Food Panda Delivery Service:


感恩節吃吮指王開箱評價 - 在台灣就能吃到像火雞的烤全雞 / Shun Zhi Wang King in Taiwan for Thanksgiving - Whole Roast Chicken that Tastes Just Like Turkey- Open Box Review

感恩節吃吮指王開箱評價 – 在台灣就能吃到像火雞的烤全雞 / Shun Zhi Wang King in Taiwan for Thanksgiving – Whole Roast Chicken that Tastes Just Like Turkey- Open Box Review

英文版 / English version:
I’m not sure if Shun Zhi Wang King has its own delivery service, but we used to third-party’s delivery AppFood Panda‘s” service that day. Thanks to Food Panda’s noob (I assume), The delivery was a bit of a delay, so after the delay and hassle, when we finally get our delivery, the chicken still remained hot but the fries were already soggy.

  • 吮指王食物評價 / Shun Zhi Wang King Food Items Review:

  • 「全烤雞($460元) / “Whole Roast Chicken ($460 NT)”


英文版 / English version:
The “Whole Roast Chicken ($460 NT)” is unbelievably heavyweight, weighing about 1 kilogram. With my anorexic body figure, I had to work my “guns,” cross that, I mean “gun” as singular since only half of my body is still functional. Secured in a foil bag, even with the delay, the load was still hot when we unboxed it, or rather, “unwrapped” it. Mouthwatering aromas flood the room and overtake us once we open the bag, causing us to jump the “guns (pun intended)” and violently dump the contents out like blood-thirsty zombies.
Once we dump this weighty chicken out, it is evident that it’s locally born and raised in Taiwan because its body figure checks out. Just like our locals, as heavy as it is, the chicken butt is tiny.
As barbaric as it sounds, chicken butts are my favourite part of eating in a chicken, so it was a bit of a letdown.
My life revives as I work through the chicken. I’ve never eaten a chicken tasting so similar to a turkey. It’s so tasty and full of flavours, layers after layers of flavours. The texture of the meat is firm, and the skin is thin but snaps back and pecks you on the cheek once you tear it apart with your teeth. As usual, I start binge-eating like a monster, chowing the whole chicken down to the inside of the bones where it’s still bloody. With each bite, the part of me that died from homesickness is resurrected.
Just when I go rogue and dig in for that last piece of chicken leg, mom angrily snaps it away from me and lectures me for overeating again. To be fair, I think I deserve a pass this time since it’s Thanksgiving and hometown food, don’t you think?

  • 「小脆薯(70元)」 / “Small Crispy Fries ($70NT)”:


感恩節吃吮指王開箱評價 - 在台灣就能吃到像火雞的烤全雞 / Shun Zhi Wang King in Taiwan for Thanksgiving - Whole Roast Chicken that Tastes Just Like Turkey- Open Box Review

感恩節吃吮指王開箱評價 – 「小脆薯(70元)」 / Shun Zhi Wang King in Taiwan for Thanksgiving – “Small Crispy Fries ($70NT)”

英文版 / English version:
Shun Zhi Wang King’s crispy fries are the fat and thick kind, just like the ones in the States. However, due to the delivery boy’s delay, by the time we got it, they were already cold and soggy. But I can tell if it was freshly fried, it’ll send you to heaven.

  • 時尚高潮吮指王詮烤雞開箱總評價 / Fashion Ecstasy Shun Zhi Wang KING Whole Roast Chicken Open Box Review in a Nutshell:


英文版 / English version:
More and more foreigners are coming to Taiwan. I believe I’m not the only one who misses hometown food in the West, but Shun Zhi Wang KING‘s Whole Roast Chicken  provides those in Taiwan who celebrates Thanksgiving a flavour close enough to a turkey without leaving the island. It’s awesome!


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