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圖片來源:Dream Warriors Facebook
寵物尿漬味、衣服本身所發出的臭酸味,都一樣讓人反胃,讓您身上幾十萬的LV路易威登(Louis Vuitton) 瞬間降級成街友級的魯蛇氛圍LV( Loser Vibe)。
English version / 英文版:
One of the fashion industry‘s top Fashion faux pas mistakes is that even when you wear expensive luxury clothing, it stinks odour, whether pet urine stains or just the damp smell coming from your clothes. It’s repelling, turning your million-dollar LV (Louis Vuitton) outfit into LV standing for a “Loser Vibe” look.
曾幾何時美國名媛巴黎希爾頓(Paris Hilton; 又譯:芭黎絲·希爾頓)帶著她的迷你狗狗搭配上百萬的治裝費,掀起了迷你狗成上流社會時尚配件的潮流,意外的流行至今。寵物的異味問題在時尚界浮上檯面。
English version / 英文版:
Since American socialite Paris Hilton started carrying her dogs and incorporating them into her million-dollar outfit look, it set the trend of pets as new fashion accessories among socialites and the high society. To date, the phenomenon still exists. Hence, the issue of pet odour on clothing has surfaced in the fashion world.
殘編推薦Dream warriors一款超厲害的Guardian Quintus 《氛解水》,專治異味。有訂閱時尚高潮的Youtube或殘編的TikTok抖音的粉絲們都知道,我最近濕疹發得兇,快活不下去了! Dream warriors所出的Guardian Quintus 《氛解水》這系列是用天然萃取成份製造,無螢光添加物、無酒精、無化學添加物,所以是無刺激性,即便殘編已體無完膚,還是可以安心使用。
English version / 英文版:
Allow me to introduce you to “Guardian Quintus” by Dream warriors, a super-powerful water solution spray specializing in eliminating odour. Anyone who has subscribed to the Fashion Ecstasy‘s Youtube channel or followed me on TikTok (@tanya.fashionecstasy) knows that I have been suffering from eczema recently, and it’s the most torturing sickness I’ve been through; trumping my stroke! The Guardian Quintus water solution spray by Dream Warriors is made of all-natural ingredients. It’s fluorescence-free, alcohol-free, and chemical-free, so it does not irritate, even safe for skin flare-ups.
殘編遠赴義大利深造,去全球最頂尖的服裝設計Istituto Marangoni學院攻讀服裝設計碩士學位。在歐洲深造時期,大開眼界。不要說台灣,即便是美加的服裝品味,都無法與歐洲人匹敵,所以所謂「人要衣裝」這句話可以在歐洲得到最好的見證。咱們的LV、愛馬仕等奢華名牌,在歐洲不過是當日常的便服在穿。我還記得,我穿著美國的國民服「A&F(Abercrombie & Fitch)」長T搭配潮牌緊身牛仔長褲上課時,教授對著我上下打量,一臉不屑的說:「妳穿睡衣來上課幹什麼?」。在貴族學校裡,我是個窮酸鬼,所以我只能冤枉的在心中OS吶喊著:「可是我買不起你們的名牌啊~!」
歐洲有史以來都是服裝界的先驅,身著既百萬的治裝費,怎麼可能天天沾到毛小孩的尿就送乾洗?您可會想說:「用香水蓋過不就好了?不然幹嘛發明香水?」。但是有經驗的人都知道尿漬等臭味加上香水,除了無法蓋過臭味,反而會產生令人作嘔的臭酸味;臭味本身不是能夠欲蓋彌彰的。若要連根拔起,比起用一些薰死人的香水風塵味蓋過,不如從空氣中分解異味、將臭味分解掉,才是「治本不治標」,不然只會「補、補、補,越補越沒出息(MC Hotdog熱狗)」。
English version / 英文版:
I went to Italy to study for my master’s at the world‘s top fashion design institution, Istituto Marangoni Masters. Living in Europe was an eye-opener. Europe‘s fashion scene is at a whole new elevated level. Luxury brands like LV and Hermes are just everyday wear. When I wore my Abercrombie & Fitch T-shirt with my skinny jeans to school, our professor gave me a despising look from head to toe and asked, “Why are you wearing your pyjamas to class?”. While my classmates wear Prada and Gucci, I’m nothing but a hobo in an aristocratic school. I couldn’t afford luxury brands.
Europeans wear luxury clothing on a day-to-day basis. It’s impossible to dry clean them daily. What happens when your furry new “fashion accessory” leaves a urine stain and pee odour on you? You might think perfume is the fix, ” Why else invent perfume?” However, experienced fashionistas all know that covering any odour with perfume would only result in an unbearable, disgusting sour smell. The key to getting rid of odours is eliminating the odour from the air by decomposing it.
Guardian Quintus 《氛解水》是Dream Warriors與法國專業團隊所研發出來的產品,有SGS和台美檢驗雙效認證,是良心企業,可以讓您用得安心。去過歐洲的人都知道,歐洲對美容保養產品的法規更加嚴格,是全世界最嚴格的地方,因此一聽到是與法國團隊合作研發出來的商品,消費者就可以先放100顆心。
English version / 英文版:
Dream Warriors‘ series of Guardian odour eliminator sprays are developed with a team of French professionals in France and are SGS certified, receiving both Taiwan and the United States‘ recognition. We all know that Europeans follow the strictest global health and beauty products regulation. Ethical businesses are hard to come by in Taiwan. Knowing that the products are made in France, concerned customers can use their products with peace of mind.
Dream Warriors公司的創業故事讓殘編聽了感動到淚崩。一切源起於創始者夫妻黨對狗狗的愛心。殘編本身也是愛狗人士,但從小到大所養過的狗都是流浪犬,直到去士林夜市擺攤後才知道寵物買賣的黑暗面。當時流行一隻要價兩、三萬的某種貴賓狗,我很多朋友都跟風去買了,但當我收攤後經過寵物店後面暗巷才驚覺那根本是屠宰場。母狗被關在ㄆㄨㄣ(潘; 「餿水」台語)一般的環境下一生再生。人類至少還有坐月子的休息期,狗卻被當成養殖機器關起來生產,完全沒有喘息的機會,只聽牠們苦苦哀嚎,甚至還有血水從籠中溢出。當時我每天半夜經過都是哭著回家。Dream Warriors創始者夫妻倆都認養狗狗,所以一直都在提倡「以領養代替購買」的觀念。在一次機緣下,認識分解動物尿漬原料的廠商,兩人抱著「即便沒有收益,至少也能幫助一些動物之家、動物流浪收容所,捐贈一些「Guardian Quintus」,於是抱著無論成敗,至少能為動物貢獻的公益菩薩心想法創業。
English version / 英文版:
It all started with the word “conscience.”
The mastermind behind Dream Warriors is a couple who share their love for dogs. I love wildlife and all animals, but I’m more of a dog person than a cat. Growing up, our home has always been an animal shelter. We open our doors to all animals we see in trouble since we had ample space in the house and a big garden. There have been several stray cats, a hedgehog we found almost bleeding to death, a hungry iguana, a tortoise wandering in the middle of a dangerous highway, several stray dogs, etc. With so many animals needing a warm home, I never believed in pet trading. After witnessing the dark side of pet trading firsthand, I urge you to do the same. Back in Shilin Night Market, I had to pass by a dark alleyway behind the busiest pet store in the area. Dogs are caged in stalls that smell worse than sewage. First, you hear constant whining, then pools of blood flood the floor. That was back when Paris Hilton sparked the fashion trend of carrying mini dogs as a high-fashion accessory known as “handbag dogs.”
To jump on the trend, pet stores came out with new mini versions of all kinds of dog breeds so fast, like “Baby Boomers.” breeding was a slaughterhouse. Dams got no rest and reproduced like machines their whole life. A mini poodle could easily sell for 20k-30k NT at the time. While pretty girls chose mini puppies with their rich boyfriends in the pet store, dams were howling in pain in the slaughterhouse. The co-founders couple of Dream Warriors have always adopted dogs, so they have always advocated for “Adopt, Not Shop!”. Hence, when they met a French manufacturer of raw materials for decomposing animal urine stains, they decided to start Dream Warriors with “Even if the business doesn’t profit, they can donate the “Guardian Quintus” to animal shelters as charity” in mind.
台灣家中所有異味,也是造成我現在體無完膚、醫學至今還無法根治的濕疹原因都是相同的的罪魁禍首,「潮濕」。潮濕還會造成廁所異味和排水管異味等等問題。Guardian Quintus 《氛解水》針對不同異味推出對症下藥的專屬商品。殘編開箱金色的「Guardian Quintus」就是專門消除廁所異味、寵物尿漬、排水管異味以及嘔吐物異味。
殘編再介紹Dream Warriors一款原料由新加坡進口的「Guardian Maximum」就是專門除臭、有效分解火鍋油膩味、泡菜味、車上異味和房間潮濕性異味。
時尚高潮的粉絲們有福啦!即日起至6月30號止(7月1日 00:00)只要將此篇文章轉發到FB、追蹤Dream Warriors的FB粉絲頁 (https://www.facebook.com/dream_warriors_360)及時尚高潮的FB粉絲頁
(https://www.facebook.com/Fashionecsta/)及可參加咱們的抽獎大放送,有3位幸運的粉絲可以獲得一組Dream Warriors Guardian 系列《氛解水》(每組獎品含「Guardian Quintus」氛解水(市價:$680元) & 「Guardian Maximum 」氛解水(市價:$630元) 各一隻,每組市價$1310元,每分享一次就多一次中獎機會,記得將分享文隱私預設值設值條為「公開」,將分享文URL網址留言至以下欄位。每日可分享一次,每分享一次就多一次中獎機會,所以記得每天回來分享喔!
English version / 英文版:
We are giving away Dream Warriors‘ Guardian odour eliminator sprays to 3 of our lucky fans! To enter the contest, enter the contest box above (follow Dream Warriors (@dream_warriors_360) and Fashion Ecstasy (@fashionecsta) on Facebook and share this post on Facebook (contest ends on July 1st at 00:00. Every share is equivalent to one entry. Enter the contest daily to get more entries! Remember to set your shared posts’ privacy to “public” and comment below with the URL to your Facebook shared post. For each completed entry. The more you share, the higher chances you get to win the contest!
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