EUFF European Union Film Festival 2020 Virtual Edition /  /線上看夠所有歐洲電影

EUFF European Union Film Festival 2020 Virtual Edition / EUFF歐洲電影節2020線上看夠所有歐洲電影(中文版下看 / Scroll down for Chinese version)

(中譯:殘編 / Chinese translation by Tanya)

This year’s European Union Film Festival (EUFF)2020 will be virtual (for the first time) from November 13-29, 2020, reaching audiences across Canada.


The presenting organizations of The Canadian Film Institute, the European Union Film Festival in Toronto, and The Cinematheque in Vancouver have partnered with the Delegation of the European Union and the Embassies and Consulates of EU Member States to have EUFF 2020 shown exclusively online.


The EUFF will show the best in contemporary European cinema from the 27 member states. In addition to the 27 films, there will be interviews with filmmakers and other unique content.

The film genres range from dramas to thrillers to romantic comedies.

The opening film is Germany’s All About Me(Der Junge muss an die frische Luft), directed by Oscar-winner Caroline Link.

開場片All About Me( Julius Weckauf in Der Junge muss an die frische Luft)
EUFF European Union Film Festival 2020 Toronto opening film / 多倫多All of the films will also be available online for 48 hours after the initial screening, giving patrons more time to watch the movies.

All of the films will have English subtitles as well.

 中文版 / Chinese version:


參與這次活動的組織包括The Canadian Film InstituteEuropean Union Film Festival in Toronto溫哥華The Cinematheque與歐洲聯盟和大使館和歐盟成員國的領事館代表團合作將EUFF 2020搬至網際網路上。




開幕電影是由奧斯卡獎得主、德國的Caroline Link執導的《All About Me》(Der Junge muss an die frische Luft)。



  •  EUFF European Union Film Festival 2020 Film List / 2020歐洲電影節放映的電影清單:

Here is the list of films being screened at EUFF(European Union Film Festival) 2020 / 2020歐洲電影節放映的電影清單如下:

Nov 13: All About Me- Germany

Nov 14: Defunct- Greece

The Goddess of Fortune- Italy

Nov 15: The Barefoot Emperor- Belgium

Invisible – Lithuania

Nov 16: Attraction- Bulgaria

Nov 17: Blizzard of Souls- Latvia

Nov 18: SNU- Portugal

Nov 19: Pause- Cyprus

The Conductor- The Netherlands

Nov 20: Don’t Forget to Breathe- Slovenia

The Wedding Unplanner- Spain

Nov 21: Angelo- Austria

Ether- Poland

Nov 22: Truth and Justice- Estonia

Britt- Marie Was Here- Sweden

Nov 23: The Painted Bird- Czech Republic

Nov 24: Lost in the 80’s – Luxembourg

Nov 25: LOLI PARADIČKA – Slovakia

Nov 26: The Last Right- Ireland

The Story of a Summer Lover- Romania

Nov 27: Before the Frost- Denmark

Of Time and Sea- Malta

Nov 28: The Best Years of a Life- France

Tall Tales- Hungary

Nov 29:  Comic Sans- Croatia

Helene- Finland

For EUFF European Union Film Festival 2020 tickets, passes, and further information, go to



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