台北金雞母食記 – 網紅超夯打卡甜點店 Jingimoo Taipei Super Instagrammmable Dessert Store

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甜點會為紅的都是靠噱頭,看多膩了也就是翻翻眼白。那如果你是甜點中的抹茶控+ 挫冰控,你要吃什麼?殘編本來就是北極人,愛吃冰,在日本生活時後受日本影響,也愛吃茶。但是甜點中抹茶系列的甜點不外乎就是蛋糕、糕品類;在冰品的八寶也沒有一項是抹茶。每次在斟酌要屈服給那一種甜點的時後,您是否跟殘編ㄧ樣,不止一個頭兩個大,胃也很想撐到兩個大?!殘編最近發現ㄧ家能滿足我所有甜品慾求不滿的店家:金雞母。


Insta-famed desserts & food rely on gimmicks. And usually, the fame doesn’t last long. It won’t take long for you to scroll down your feed and start rolling your eyes, thinking: “meh, blah.“But if you have a sweet tooth and happen to be a matcha (green tea) fan, you know that desserts that come in matcha flavour are nothing more than cake or pastries. Crushed-ice/snow-ice is a local Taiwanese dessert and my favourite. I’m from Canada, crushed-ice/snow-ice reminds me of home. Having spent some time in Japan also makes me a huge fan of matcha. However, none of the “babao” ( the eight common ingredients used in local iced desserts) includes “matcha.” Deciding between “matcha” or “ice” for dessert is always a struggle. Until I discovered Jingimoo, a dessert joint in Taipei that combines local Taiwanese dessert with super Instagrammable creativity. It’s a place that feeds all my dessert cravings at once!

  • 金雞母的起源 / The Start of Jingimoo



Jingimoo means “golden hen” in Chinese. The name is inspired by the cute phrase: “you trip and pick up a golden hen.”

Using local traditional Taiwanese desserts combined with new creative gimmicks and ingredients, Jingimoo creates popular desserts that do not just please your palate but also your eyes.


  • 金雞母店內環境 / Jingimoo Restaurant Environment:



Jingimoo‘s environment is not too spacious, with about three small three-seat tables and a row of window seats ideal for people-watching while you “brain-freeze.”  Our visit was on a Thursday afternoon, and Jingimoo was almost at capacity. Jingimoo‘s social-sharable desserts attract tourists, too. I guess they must have huge line-ups on the weekends.


  • 金雞母菜單目錄 / Jingjimoo Dessert Menu:





Jingimoo‘s menu is simple and easy-to-read. Desserts are categorized under “ice,” “hot,” and “room temperature.” Guests can “stay cool” in the summer” and “warm up” in the winter, and the sweet tooth can be fed all seasons.

The weather was okay during our visit, but the “matcha” series under “Room Temperature” menu was unavailable, so we ordered the famed “Fire ice” products.

  • 金雞母超好拍明星「抹茶燒冰」/ Jingimoo’s “Famed” “Fire-Ice”





Jingimoo‘s “famed” items are its “fire-ice ” series ($200).

The “Fire-Ice” series features two flavours: matcha and strawberry,  we choose “matcha.” Jingimoo fills a large bowl with matcha crushed ice so full that it almost resembles the shape of a golden egg, the ice is topped with a layer of cream cheese, and the “fire” comes when the server blow-torches the top layer until it’s caramelized to a  golden yellow. The final step instantly adds a lot of layers and flavours to the dessert.  The matcha is rich in flavour and can be enjoyed until the last scoop from the bottom of the bowl. Did I mention it was super Instagrammable?

  • 然花瑰蜜($240)/ Rose. Roselle. Raspberry. Lychee & Jelly ($240)




Rose. Roselle. Raspberry. Lychee & Jelly ($240)

The newly-launched “Rose. Roselle. Raspberry. Lychee & Jelly” ice is limited daily, with fragrant ingredients such as roses, raspberries, and lychee. It is served with a small bowl of jelly made with strong Cointreau. The server recommends adding the alcoholic jelly when we’re halfway through, which not only completely changes the flavour but also clears the taste buds.


  • 春暖大花玫瑰冰($120)/ “Organic Rose” (Ice) ($120)

金雞母春暖大花玫瑰冰($120)/  "Organic Rose" (Ice) ($120)
“Organic Rose” (Ice) ($120)




“Organic Rose” (Ice) ($120)
“Organic Rose” ice is also one of the popular items among guests. The ice is covered with organic rose puree, “Tieguanyin”(green tea) jelly, and Hakka rice dumplings. Hakka-style rice balls are more glutinous compared to normal Taiwanese rice-balls. The centre is filled with red beans. For those craving for more sugar, condensed milk is served on the side.



Jingimoo transforms traditional Taiwanese dessert into new and creative food art. I think it’s a great choice for bringing both your local and foreign friends for a little bit of show-off.



  • Fashion Ecstasy

    Hello!  I am the blog owner & Editor-in-Chief of this bilingual website Fashion Ecstasy (http://fashionecstasy.com ) (both Chinese and English)!  Over 9 years since its inception, Fashion Ecstasy is the go-to media outlet for residents in Toronto and Taiwan.  After relocating to Taiwan, Fashion Ecstasy has immediately caught the attention across all industries, including Taiwan's Tourism Bureau! I was personally invited to become the official media partner to review Tainan’s English-friendly businesses for 2 consecutive years. See:  2017:  http://fashionecstasy.com/6-top-english-friendly-stores-for-travelers-in-tainan/  2018:  https://fashionecstasy.com/top-5-tainan-english-friendly-stores-2018/   I have also worked with many well-known global brands across all industries. I am proficient in various Adobe Master Suite design softwares, including Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, PDF Acrobat Pro, and more. I am also active on all social media platforms. All of Fashion Ecstasy’s social media accounts are managed by me; please refer to: https://www.Facebook.com/fashionecsta Followers/fans: 3500  Twitter:  @fashionecstasy  Follower numbers: 2257 Instagram: @fashionecstasy Followers: 3500  Tiktok: @tanya.fashionecstasy  Number of followers: 30,6000  In addition, I also have my personal social media accounts: Twitter: @hsutanya Instagram: @tanya.fashionecstasy What you get from a review from us will be in both Chinese and English translation to expand your potential clientele, as well as a YouTube review video  You may reach me by: WhatsApp: (+886) 958771010  Line ID: Tinkeebellezza (capital T, without @, please send me a message first so I don’t miss you)  WhatsApp ID: tinkerbellezza  WeChat ID: tinkerbellezza  Email: fashionecstasytv@gmail.com I look forward to collaborating with you. 您好!我是知名網站時尚高潮 / Fashion Ecstasy (https://fashionecstasy.com)(中英雙語)的布落客主人&總編輯時尚高潮創辦已經10年之久,源起加拿大,7年前中風後轉戰台灣,也新增了不少當地的粉絲。 身為總編的我回台後立即受到相關業者的關注,包括台南市政府觀光局,並連續兩年內被台南市政府顧用介紹台南英文友善特色商店與推廣台灣觀光業!請見: 2017: http://fashionecstasy.com/6-top-english-friendly-stores-for-travelers-in-tainan/ 2018: http://fashionecstasy.com/top-5-tain 因為我是嚴重中風生存者,動過開腦手術,所以對鬧部心血管疾病跟醫療有專業的知識,至今仍在治療中,所以沒有上班、可以趕稿,也特別需要這份工作 我從小在國外長大,精通中英文! 我也曾與許多全球知名的品牌(美妝包括Body Shop, The Face Shop, Schwarzkopf 等等合作,請參考: 學歷我擁有意大利服裝設計名校Istituto Marangoni Masters 的碩士學位,精通Adobe各項設計軟體,包括Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, 跟 InDesign, PDF Acrobat Pro. 我也善長使用現當最受大眾喜愛的網路社交軟體,Fashion Ecstasy 的所有關方社交網站都是由我ㄧ手管理,追蹤人數請參考: 臉書/Facebook Fashion Ecstasy (http://fashionecstasy.com)追蹤人術/粉絲: 3335 推特/Twitter: I 追蹤人數2270 Instagram/IG: @fashionecstasy (http://www.instagram.com/fashionecstasy) 追蹤人數:3491 抖音Tiktok: @tanya.fashionecstasy 追蹤人數:306000 除了管理Fashion Ecstasy 的官方設交網站外,我還有自己私人的帳號 (Twitter: @HsuTanya Instagram: @tanya.fashionecstasy) 我去過四十幾個國家,可以無障礙的運用專業及當下流行的術語。日文略懂 轉戰台灣後,立即收許多粉絲注目,也連續兩年被台南市政府顧用介紹台南的特色商店與推廣台灣觀光業! 請見: http://fashionecstasy.com/6-top-english-friendly-stores-for-travelers-in-tainan/ 2018: https://fashionecstasy.com/top-5-tainan-english-friendly-stores-2018/ 2017: https://fashionecstasy.com/6-top-english-friendly-stores-for-travelers-in-tainan/ Youtube頻道https://www.youtube.com/user/FashionEcstasydotcom?sub_confirmation=1 (訂閱人數:5.23K) 希望有機會可以跟貴公司合作!與貴公司合作之文章我門都將中英譯,為貴公司帶來以及開發新客戶,真心希望與您合作! 我的聯絡方式: 電話:/ WhatsApp: (+886) 979905968 Line (賴)ID: Tinkeebellezza  ( T 大寫,沒有@,要給我訊息才看得到喔!) WhatsApp ID: tinkerbellezza Wechat ID: tinkerbellezza Email: fashionecstasytv@gmail.com  

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