台灣稱霸米其林推薦「東芳不敗」林東芳牛肉麵名氣超標,價錢仍親民 / Lin Dong Fang Beef Noodle Soup – Michelin Guide Quality, Humble Priced

(Scroll down for English Version / 英文版向下看)

先看時尚高潮食記影片(因為防疫期間選擇帶走,這次影片比較像「吃播」,歹勢啦~!)/ Watch Our YouTube Food Vlog 1st (Since I’m Practicing Social Distancing, this week’s food vlog is more like a mukbang, sorry!)

號稱全台最好吃的林東芳牛肉麵不只登上米其林指南,也在台灣稱霸以久,因此殘編已經久仰了,但在吃過晶華酒店的「冠軍牛肉麵」、又在W Hotel踩雷後,也懶得再去試其他的牛肉麵了。畢竟位於中山區林東芳殘編家路途遙遠,如果說是為了造訪米其林的星級餐廳還說的過去,但行動不便的我為了吃一碗比比皆是的牛肉麵跑這一趟好像不太值得。



English Version / 英文版:
Known as the place for Taiwan’s best beef noodle soup, Lin Dong Fang has long been on my list. I’ve mentioned how scrumptious Regent Hotel Taipei’s award-winning “Champion Beef Noodles” are, and how disappointing W Hotel Taipei’s beef noodle soup is. That’s two luxury hotel’s beef noodle soup checked off my list. I thought there’s no need to search for more beef noodle soups as I’ve probably already tasted the best and the worst. Moreover, Lin Dong Fang is located in Zhongshan District, which is far away from where I live. Being handicapped, I’d probably take the trip for a Michelin-starred restaurant, but for a bowl of beef noodle soup, probably not worth it.

Maybe it’s my once in a “stroke” of blue moon luck (pun intended), when I took a day off to celebrate my “rebirth” day with a staycation at the Finders Hotel, which I’ve written about in this article, Lin Dong Fang just happened to be nearby. Food is the best cure for a lonely day like this, It’d be insane to pass on the opportunity. 

防疫期間不用怕,外帶品質依然不變 / Takeout is As Good As Dining In While Practicing Social Distancing:



在造訪 W Hotel時,為了要證實曾有的記憶是否只是虛夢一場,點了一碗要價$625的牛肉麵 ,殊不知五星級的旅館竟令我大失所望,殘編在這篇文章有提及:

English Version / 英文版:
Regent Hotel Taipei‘s “Champion Beef Noodle soup” was priced at around #500-$600/bowl, which was relatively high in Taipei. It was indeed the best noodle soup I’ve had in my life, and I was a local guide with a friend visiting from Canada. So for me, it was worth it. W Hotel Taipei‘s beef noodle soup was priced at $625. I only ordered it to see if it could beat Regent Hotel‘s, I left disappointed from the 5-star hotel.
I’ve also posted a review here: taipei/

林東芳牛肉麵名副其實、防疫期間外帶都好吃 / True to Its Reputation, Lin Dong Fang Beef Noodle Soup Blows Your Mind Even for Takeout


English Version / 英文版:
With past experiences, I no longer have any expectations for other beef noodle soups, including Lin Dong Fang. I’ve tasted the best and the worst. I opt for takeout because of the pandemic, plus I don’t want to look like a loner for this special day. 

林東芳牛肉麵菜單 / Lin Dongfang Beef Noodle Menu:


English Version / 英文版:
Although Lin Dong Fang has earned its high reputation for years, their menu remains humble. A bowl of beef noodle soup is only priced at $250NT, which is half of the 2 hotels mentioned above. Besides their signature beef dishes, Lin Dong Fang also offers some local street food side dishes on their menu, including pig’s ear, bean curd, pickled cucumber and others. Side dishes are priced at a reasonable $40 to $50NT. For the restaurant’s status, I say their price is too humble. 

  • 林東芳牛肉麵食物 / The Food at Lin Dong Fang:


  • 小黃瓜( $50)/ cucumber ($50NT)
林東芳牛肉麵食記和YT影片 - Lin Dong Fang Beef Noodle Soup review & vlog
林東芳牛肉麵 – 「小黃瓜」($50元)
Lin Dong Fang’s “cucumber side dish ($50NT)

(請看影片 / Please watch our Youtube video above)


  • 花干 ($50)/ “Hua Gan” ($50NT):

(請看影片 / Please watch our Youtube video above)

這道算是誤打誤撞,殘編豆腐只吃嫩豆腐,因為不喜歡豆腐其他種作法的口感。豆乾、凍豆腐、豆花這些我都聽過也都不係換,但這「花干」殘編點菜時卻不知道他是什麼,想求救看菜單上的英文時,竟也指標了直接拼音的「Hua Gan」,於是就這麼點下去了。回房打開包裝時才赫然發線她竟是豆腐乾還是炸豆腐所做出來的湯,平常看到凍豆腐絕不碰的我因為在這死亡紀念日處於低潮期,破例怒吃,也因為這一怒吃,發先這小菜的口味簡直驚為天人,光是影片中就呻吟了好幾次:「好好吃喔!」,並且一塊接一塊的往嘴裡塞,完全停不下來,最後連湯都一口氣喝光。百思不解這道讓我人生「豆腐觀」大逆轉的神菜害我忍不住回去仔細再研究了一番林東芳的菜單才發現原來這道看似平凡的小菜原來是他們的招牌菜,而且是費盡心思用牛肉熬煮出來的乾豆腐,難怪那麼入味,平時的我事先若知道是乾豆腐絕對不會想點。。。我也太狗屎運了吧!

English Version / 英文版:
This item’s Chinese characters literally translate to “flower dry,” which I’ve never heard of before. When I looked for the English menu, it read the direct Pinyin of the Chinese characters “Hua Gan,” so I was confused and had no idea what I was ordering. Still, I had live up to my “order everything” spirit on this special day. When it comes to tofu, I only eat soft tofu. I don’t eat tofu in any other form. Turns out, the dish is bean curd soup. While it was disappointing, but it’s my first year celebrating my “Death Day” alone, so I had every reason to rage-eat. The dish was surprisingly delicious, almost even better than the beef. If you watch the video above, you can see I could not stop and had to finish the broth. It was so good I couldn’t help but go back and figure out what the secret recipe is. Turns out, the seemingly ordinary “Hua Gan” is Lin Dong Fang’s signature dish.Dried tofu is cooked in delicious beef stock. No wonder it’s so tasty. If it wasn’t for the occasion, I would’ve never tasted this dish, it was a pleasant surprise.

  • 泡菜($50) / Pickled Cabbage ($50NT)

(請看影片 / Please watch our Youtube video above)

The pickled cabbage is made Taiwanese style and too sweet for me.

  • 牛肉切盤($180) / “Beef Plate” ($180NT):
林東芳牛肉麵 - Lin Dong Fang Beef Noodle Soup review
牛肉切盤($180) / “Beef Plate” ($180NT)

雖然林東芳主打牛肉麵但是畢竟台灣夏天熱到受不了時總是有人想吃冷盤,林東芳的牛肉冷盤與主打的牛肉麵旗鼓相當, 因為用的牛肉是一樣的。
殘編是北極熊,好所以本來只想點這盤, 卻又覺得不點招牌的牛肉麵徒勞往返,於是就如往以常的矛起點,半筋半肉牛肉麵也來一碗。

English Version / 英文版:
Although Lin Dong Fang’s signature is its beef noodle soup, not everyone can stand sipping hot soup in Taiwan’s hot and nasty summer. So they provide cold beef plates as a solution. Their cold beef dishes are just as good as their signature beef noodle soup as the beef used is the same.
Since I’m a polar bear from Canada, my initial plan was to just get the cold cut beef plate, but finally having the chance to get there without tasting its famed dish is insane, so I still order a bowl of Half Tendon Half Beef Noodle Soup.

  • 半筋半肉牛肉麵($250元)/ Half Tendon Half Beef Noodle ($250NT$)

這些要價僅僅一、兩百元的牛肉菜色根本就虧本吧!? 不僅份量大更好每一塊肉都厚到殘編連用筷子都夾不起來,只好用手像野蠻人一樣的吃(還好是帶走自己吃)。 牛筋的部分筋中帶肥,每塊都大到像在吃豬腳一樣,好不爽快!看殘編上面貼的YT影片就可以看到,也看得到我吃牛肉的部分,肉質彈牙到彈到嘴唇 讓殘編忍不住一直自言自語嚷著「好好吃喔!好好吃喔!」
除了小黃瓜跟泡菜以外逗號每一樣單品的份量都超大, 殘編這餐居然吃了兩個小時之久。 而且還是自己一個人全部幹光。

English Version / 英文版:
Lin Dong Fang pricing their beef dishes at $100~$200NT is a bargain. The portions are massive, and every piece of meat is so thick that I can’t even hold them with chopsticks, so I eat it like a barbarian with my hand (watch the video), luckily it was takeaway, so no one saw. The tendons are fatty and thick like the texture of pig’s knuckles! If you watch our Youtube video, you’d know what I mean. The meat is bouncy enough to kiss me back on my cheeks/lips when I take a bite. I keep on yelling, “It’s so delicious!” in my video.

Lin Dong Fang‘s beef is tasty on its own and does not require any sauces or dips.
Besides the cucumber and pickled cabbage, every item comes in a large portion.I’m a fast eater, and this meal took me two hours to finish.

  • 時尚高潮殘編林東芳牛肉麵總結評論 / Fashion Ecstasy Lin Dong Fang Beef Noodle Soup Review in A Nutshell:

四年前的今天我中風去世了, 今年我用美食來慶祝重生的我, 祝我重生日快樂!
林東芳牛肉麵果然不是浪得虛名, 殘編強力推薦大家就算排隊也一定要去吃一次看看!

English Version / 英文版:
Four years ago today (August 13), I passed away from a hemorrhagic stroke. This year, while alone, I celebrate my rebirth day with food. Happy rebirthday to me!

Lin Dong Fang’s Beef Noodle Soup is a must-try, the line is worth the wait.


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