LoveinSync- a New Vital Dating App / 最新找到長期伴侶的強大交友APP

(中文版向下看 / scroll down for Chinese version)
LoveinSync, the new dating app founded by Susan Hum and Tina Jesso, is offering a free 4 week Love Series starting Thursday, April 2. The event will be streamed live and is interactive. It’s a great chance to experience what their workshops are like during this time when people are required to stay inside.

中文版 / Chinese version:
Susan HumTina Jesso創建的新交友約會APP應用程式LoveinSync,將於4月2日(星期四)開始提供為期4週的一系列免費戀愛活動。該活動現場將現場直播並與參加者互動。這是一個體驗LoveinSync工作坊很好的機會,尤其是在這新型冠狀病毒防疫期間進行「社交距離」,人們都得乖乖待在家裡。

  • Susan, The Success and Love Coach, and Tina, The Passion Coach,

both have strong backgrounds in business and coaching. They believe that singles can benefit from their expertise to guide them to find a loving relationship. Their philosophy is that successful matches are a result of two people who are focused on meaningful and shared life goals and understand what they truly want. Following this rule creates a strong chance of lasting for the long term.

中文版 / Chinese version:

  • LoveinSync offers a multi-stage plan to help make this happen / LoveinSync提供一個多階段的計劃,來幫助實現人們找到真愛:

  • 1. LifeMakeover Collective
    LifeMakeover Collective includes weekly live Q&A’s via Zoom, live calls with 1:1 coaching, 24/7 access to recorded sessions,
    ongoing exercises and worksheets, live videos with life strategies, expert guests talking about love and other topics
    and a private Facebook hub.

中文版 / Chinese version:
LifeMakeover Collective包括透過Zoom平台進行的每週Q&A問答、1對1的通話諮詢、24小時皆可觀看的的訪問錄製、持續進行的的習題、感情專家討論愛情和其他相關主題的策略性談話直撥,以及一個私密的Facebook臉書平台。

  • 2.  The Story of You / 你的故事

Writing a strong profile that reflects the real person is so important. People notice even the smallest details in a profile. How well you tell the story of you is critical. LoveinSync offers help to give dating profiles that oomph that they deserve.

中文版 / Chinese version:
能撰寫強力反映出真實人物的個人檔案非常重要。在尋找另一半時,人們往往會注意到個人檔案中的極小細節。因此,您講故事的技巧至關重要。 LoveinSync協助人們共同打造這些個人檔案,使顧客能在在約會的自我介紹中就能脫穎而出。

  • 3.Love Being You Coaching Program  /「愛做自己」的專業指導計畫:

Here people will learn how to set one’s boundaries and truly honour them.

中文版 / Chinese version:

  • 4. Virtual Style Transformation / 視覺造型改造:

There are a few steps that are taken in this process.
The All About You questionnaire charts the path for this transformation
There will be suggestions for organizing and tweaking one’s wardrobe.
There is an hour-long virtual meeting with a LoveinSync style expert to cover any style challenges. A mood/style board is then put together to offer guidance for shopping.
And there is a 30-minute follow-up meeting to make sure that they are happy with the new changes.

中文版 / Chinese version:
在過程中,使用者會與LoveinSync專業造型師進行一小時的視訊會議,以應付任何風格所帶來的挑戰。一個 結合個人風格的色彩、圖像及素材的情緒版隨即製出,以便提供接下來的購物指導。

During the evening preview workshop with Susan and Tina held at The Gladstone Hotel, attendees were asked to create their own LOVELIST by jotting down the top 10 qualities that they are looking for in a mate. Kindness, caring, intelligence, loyalty, and sense of humour were a few that came to mind. By doing this exercise, it really helped define the most essential qualities that are needed in a partner.

中文版 / Chinese version:
當晚在多倫多Gladstone HotelSusanTina舉行的預備工作坊上,與會者被要求寫下他們在伴侶中所尋找的十大要件,藉此來建立自己的戀愛清單。為此我們隨即想到「善良」、「關懷」、「智慧」、「忠誠」及「幽默感」等等的優質人品。透過這種練習確實有助於定義「另一半」最需要的標準。

LoveinSync is a vital app to guide singles into finding one’s life partner

中文版 / Chinese version:



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