台灣星巴克2022菜單開箱試吃評價 /  Starbucks Taiwan 2022 Menu Open Box Review

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  •  先看時尚高潮台灣星巴克 開箱試吃影片/ Watch our Starbucks Taiwan Youtube Openbox Video First:

見過殘編自創的「 2樣食材零失敗OREO奧利奧冰淇淋蛋糕 – 殘編自創抖音爆紅食譜」的文章都知道殘編從小就愛吃星巴克。我十四歲在7-Eleven打工的第一份工作,被加冕為「小七之花」,隔壁星巴克店長就開始每天送我一杯他們店裡最貴的特大杯「焦糖巧克力碎片」,試圖挖角我。從此我就養成了每天喝星巴克的習慣。甚至到了加拿大香港中國大陸星巴克都是我每早上必喝的提神咖啡必吃早餐加拿大的街上和西方文化世界裡,每人手上隨時都有一杯咖啡,除了 加拿大品牌Tim Hortons外就是星巴克。回台灣以後,早餐店星巴克多,好像也比較多人買便利商店咖啡,因此殘編也就漸漸的不再每天去星巴克早餐了。

English version / 英文:
If you have read my post on my “0 Failure Super Easy 2-Ingredient Oreo Ice-cream TikTokViral Cake Recipe“, you will know that I’ve been a loyal customer of Starbucks since childhood. My colleagues at my first job at 7-11 at age 14 crowned me as “Miss Seven, ” the face of the branch. Since then, I’d been receiving the Largest cup of the most expensive drink at the time from the manager of the adjacent Starbucks, “Caramel Java Chip Frappuccino,” every day, with intentions to poach me. Since then, I have developed the habit of drinking Starbucks every day. Whether I’m in Canada, Hong Kong, or even mainland China, Starbucks is a must-have in my daily diet. It’s the coffee that refreshes me and wakes me up for the day and my breakfast every morning. Pedestrians with a cup of coffee in hand are the norm in Canada. Aside from Tim Hortons, Starbucks is easily the go-to for all residents. However, after relocating to Taiwan, many cheaper options line every street and corner, like local breakfast joints and convenience stores, which easily sell coffee at 1/3 of Starbucksprice. Sadly, living with disabilities, I don’t have much choice but to adapt and gradually stop going to Starbucks for my everyday breakfast.


English version / 英文:
A couple of days ago, I went to the hospital for some post-stroke checkups, and I happened to pass by the Starbucks in the hospital. It has been over several years since I last had a full meal from Starbucks Taiwan. I thought it was about time I gave it a second chance, so I went in to check it out, hoping it could be as delicious as a Starbucks Canada. I still remember the last thought that crossed my mind before my hemorrhagic stroke was: “I’d really like a cup of Starbucks coffee now.” It was like my last wish. Unfortunately, food options in Starbucks Taiwan are primarily sweets and desserts. There are not many savoury options, so I only bought the two I could find on the menu. As soon as I get my order, aromas of oatmeal bread flood my nose. The smell is strong enough to penetrate through the double-layered masks I’m wearing, especially for the hospital, on top of the quadruple packaging generously provided by Starbucks consisting of double-layered baking sheets securely wrapping the sub and the doubled-layered paper bags. It is quite a torture for us to sit through our way and wait until we arrive home with the aromas before barbarically ripping everything off our meal. Below I’ll be reviewing each item we ordered from Starbucks Taiwan:

  • 照燒雞肉三明治 ($175元)/ “Teriyaki Chicken Sandwich($175NT)”:


English version / 英文:
Guilty as charged, the “Teriyaki Chicken Sandwich” is the one responsible for our ride back home unbearable with its aromas. The item is a multigrain submarine bun sprinkled with seeds and grains, spreading the irresistible aroma. Preparing this item with a multigrain submarine bun also locks the bread‘s moisture. Reheating in the oven results in a sub crispy on the outside and soft inside while still retaining its firm, chewy texture. The chicken itself is prepared Japanese-teriyaki style. At first glance, there is melted cheese. However, after a closer look, you realize that it is filled with moist eggs and onions baked until the ingredients are all melted together, resulting in the appearance of melted cheese. The filling also includes shredded, crispy burdock strips and fresh, crunchy Romaine lettuce, which instantly adds layers of texture to the item.

  • 星巴克啤酒燉菜雞肉堡 ($120元) / “Beer Chicken Stew Sandwich” ($120NT):


English version / 英文:
This item is a result of the staff delivering the wrong order. My order is the “Beer Andong Chicken Stew Pasta ($180NT),” however, what I get in my bag is the “Beer Chicken Stew Sandwich” ($120NT)”. But by the time we do our open box and realize their mistake, we are already back home; going back and bitching about it is just not worth it.
The sandwich is half black and half light-golden in colour. The bottom bun is black bread, which may look daunting at first sight, but turns out surprisingly delicious after reheating. My Michelin Guide inspector level tastebuds predict that the bottom bread is made with charcoal, and I proved myself pro yet again. The bottom buns of this sandwich are a slightly sweet and soft black charcoal brioche. The top bun on is covered with a contrasting golden yellow layer, which is made with the same topping as Hong Kong cuisine‘s famouspineapple bun,” which has a slightly sweet taste. Take a bite you’ll discover this sandwich is intertwined with sweetness and saltiness all in one. The filling is an abundance of creamy vegetables and chicken prepared by simmering it in beer, plus a slice of cheese. After reheating, the creamy chicken filling and cheese melt together, providing a smooth and tender taste, with a hint of aromas of beer circulating in your mouth. The two flavours are a match made in heaven, resulting in a rich but not greasy, scrumptious taste.


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