Tag archives for 人物

Arts, Theatre & Culture


我在日本京都與藝伎的私人招待經驗 (This post was originally published in English, for the English version, please click on the link below🔗/ 此文原文為英文,欲看英文版,請點以下連結)🔗: Kamishichiken maiko Ichitaka 日本的 Geiko/Maiko(藝妓)文化可以追溯到 17世紀。至今,只剩下 200 名藝妓和 70 名舞妓。藝妓和舞妓在日本茶館工作,這些茶館迎合顧客極為謹慎,主要只接待高階政治人物、精英商人和政要,並遵循推薦系統。它們難以捉摸,但主要原因不僅在於金錢(儘管很昂貴),還在於信任,所以並不是有錢就能看到。茶館也需要先了解所接待的客戶是否有信譽,然後才能決定是否願意讓自己旗下的藝妓/舞妓接待客戶。我們在京都最古老(也是遊客最少的)藝伎/舞妓區 「上七軒」…
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North by Northeast NXNE 2022 Music Festival  Makes a Big Comeback to Toronto After Two Years of Pandemic / North by Northeast (NXNE)音樂祭防疫睽違兩年後重磅回歸多倫多

North by Northeast NXNE 2022 Music Festival  Makes a Big Comeback to Toronto After Two Years of Pandemic / North by Northeast (NXNE)音樂祭防疫睽違兩年後重磅回歸多倫多 On June 15, 2022, the North by…
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Taiwan Humming Food High-end Bento Box Open Box Review- Catered to the High-Profile Execs Only

台灣蜂鳥食堂便當開箱試吃 - 董事長級的大人物才吃得到的高級便當 / Taiwan Humming Food High-end Bento Box Open Box Review- Catered to the High-Profile Execs Only (Scroll down for the English version / 英文版向下看) 台灣蜂鳥食堂便當開箱試吃 - 董事長級的大人物才吃得到的高級便當…
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Spirits, Liqueurs & Cocktails

Toronto’s Yorkville Murals 2021 sponsored by Romeo’s gin / 多倫多2021年度約克維爾壁畫節由Romeo’s 杜松子酒(琴酒)贊助

Toronto's Yorkville Murals 2021 sponsored by Romeo's gin / 多倫多2021年度約克維爾壁畫節由Romeo's 杜松子酒(琴酒)贊助 (中文版往下看 / Scroll down for Chinese version) ( 中譯:殘編/ Chinese traslation: Tanya) Watch Our Youtube video vlog first /…
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An Introduction to French Cuisine and its History – Chapter 3 / 法國料理的介紹及歷史演變 – 第3章

An Introduction to French Cuisine and its History – Chapter 3/ 法國料理的介紹及歷史演變 – 第3章 (中文版向下看 / Scroll down for Chinese version)   An Introduction to French Cuisine and its History…
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Imagine Dragons- Light Forest – A Haunted and Theatrical Tour Event at Casa Loma, Toronto brought to you by Liberty Entertainment Group / 「Imagine Dragons- Light Forest」 – 多倫多解封Liberty Entertainment Group集團為您帶來的活動 – 卡薩羅馬城堡鬧鬼戲劇特效之旅

Imagine Dragons- Light Forest - A Haunted and Theatrical Tour Event at Casa Loma, Toronto brought to you by Liberty Entertainment Group / 「Imagine Dragons- Light Forest」 - 多倫多解封Liberty Entertainment…
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