Tag archives for 小組討論

多倫多Collision 2023:匯聚科技先驅者, 見證科技、創新與創業的融合

多倫多Collision 2023:匯聚科技先驅者, 見證科技、創新與創業的融合 (此文為中文版報導,欲看英文版部落格請點以下連結🔗/ This post is in Chinese, for the English blog post, please click on the link below🔗:) (欲看照片請向下滑至底) 先看時尚高潮YT影片: 2023年在多倫多舉辦的Collision是將創新、創業與科技融合在一起的活動 作為時尚高潮Collision 2023的參與代表者,於6月20日至26日在多倫多舉行的活動中,我有幸親身見證了科技、創新與創業的融合。此次活動成為來自世界各地的業界領袖、初創企業、投資者和科技愛好者的熔爐,促進了協作、知識分享和網絡交流的動態環境。憑藉其令人印象深刻的講者陣容、引人入勝的研討會和尖端展示,Collision 2023 無疑成為一次難忘的經歷。 多倫多Collision 2023於Enercare Centre充滿活力的科技場景:…
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Business & Networking

The 4th Blockchain Futurist Conference 2022 Toronto / 2022年第四屆多倫多年度Blockchain Futurist Conference區塊鏈未來主義者大會

The 4th Blockchain Futurist Conference 2022 Toronto / 2022年第四屆多倫多年度Blockchain Futurist Conference區塊鏈未來主義者大會 (Scroll to the bottom for photos / 欲看照片請滑至下方) (中文版向下看 / Scroll down for the Chinese version) (中譯:殘編 / Chinese…
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jianzhushi jilupian Piece by Piece duolunduo zhanlan longzhong kaimu

建築師紀錄片「Piece by Piece - Inside the Renzo Piano Building Workshop」多倫多展覽隆重開幕 : (This post was originally posted in English, for the English version, please click on the link below🔗/ 此文原文為英文,愈看英文版本,請點以下連結🔗): 中譯:殘編…
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Business & Networking

Collision 2022 Toronto Brings Together Over 500,000 Tech Innovators, Politicians, Media and Cultural Changemakers

Collision 2022 Toronto Brings Together Over 500,000 Tech Innovators, Politicians, Media and Cultural Changemakers / 2022年年度Collision科技新貴高峰會匯聚超過500,000名科技創新者、政治家、媒體及文化變革者 (中文版向下滑 / scroll down for the Chinese version) (中譯:殘編 / Chinese translation by Tanya)…
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North by Northeast NXNE 2022 Music Festival  Makes a Big Comeback to Toronto After Two Years of Pandemic / North by Northeast (NXNE)音樂祭防疫睽違兩年後重磅回歸多倫多

North by Northeast NXNE 2022 Music Festival  Makes a Big Comeback to Toronto After Two Years of Pandemic / North by Northeast (NXNE)音樂祭防疫睽違兩年後重磅回歸多倫多 On June 15, 2022, the North by…
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ICFF (Italian Contemporary Film Festival)’s 10th Anniversary Open Air Cinema at Ontario Place’s Trillium Park

ICFF (Italian Contemporary Film Festival)'s 10th Anniversary Open Air Cinema at Ontario Place's Trillium Park / ICFF意大利當代電影節在安大略廣場的Trillium Park公園舉辦露天電影院慶祝10週年 中文版向下看 / Scroll down for Chinese version: (中譯:殘編 / Chinese translation: Tanya…
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Italian Contemporary Film Festival -Call the Shots: Female Power through Film for International Women’s Day & “The Stolen Caravaggio/Una storia senza nome” Screening & Review – ICFF(多倫多意大利當代電影節為38婦女節提倡女權主義+特映會

Italian Contemporary Film Festival -Call the Shots: Female Power through Film for International Women's Day & "The Stolen Caravaggio/Una storia senza nome" Screening & Review - ICFF(多倫多意大利當代電影節為38婦女節提倡女權主義+特映會 (中文版向下看 /scoll down…
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