Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

Tag Archives: 氣氛

你絕對不能錯過在多倫多掀起轟動的巴黎式脫衣歌舞秀 – Déjà-Vu Revue 評論

  你絕對不能錯過在多倫多掀起轟動的巴黎式脫衣歌舞秀 – Déjà-Vu Revue 評論:Triangle d’Or Cabaret 的 Déjà-Vu Revue (此文為中文版評價報導,欲看英文版請點以下連結/ This post is in Chinese, for the English review, please click on the link below): (完整照片圖庫請滑至底) 先看時尚高潮YouTube影片回顧: 天氣變熱了,而多倫多也一樣變熱了! … Continue reading

June 9, 2024 · Leave a Comment

頤宮 – 台北君品酒店3星米其林餐廳食記評價


March 10, 2023 · 1 Comment

Miracle Christmas-themed pop-up cocktail bar, Toronto – serving holiday cocktails in a festive setting

Miracle Christmas-themed pop-up cocktail bar, Toronto – serving holiday cocktails in a festive setting from November 18 through December 31st, 2022 / 多倫多「Miracle」奇蹟聖誕主題快閃調酒吧——2022 年11月18日至12月31日在充滿聖誕節日氣氛中供應節慶主題雞尾酒

November 21, 2022 · Leave a Comment

Illumi – a Dazzling World of Lights by Cavalia / Cavalia kawaliya jutuan 《 menghuanwuma 》 jianada mixishajia shouyingshi

Illumi – a Dazzling World of Lights by Cavalia / Cavalia卡瓦利亞劇團《夢幻舞馬》加拿大密西沙加首映式

October 8, 2022 · Leave a Comment

時尚高潮榮幸受邀至美國田納西州(State of Tennessee)大煙山地區( Smoky Mountains) 的多莉山遊樂園 ( Dollywood Parks & Resorts)度過2021年聖誕假期

時尚高潮榮幸受邀至美國田納西州(State of Tennessee)大煙山地區( Smoky Mountains) 的多莉山遊樂園 ( Dollywood Parks & Resorts)度過2021年聖誕假期 This post was originally published in English, for the English version, please click on the link below / 此文原文為英文,欲看英文版點以下連結: … Continue reading

January 4, 2022 · Leave a Comment

Andy Kim Christmas Show Returns to Massey Hall Toronto 2021

Andy Kim Christmas Show Returns to Massey Hall Toronto 2021 / 安迪基姆(Andy Kim、又稱:「


December 17, 2021 · Leave a Comment

Country Bright Event Transforms Acres of Milton Country Heritage Park into A Family-Friendly Christmas Wonderland / 「Country Bright」聖誕節特別活動將數英畝的米爾頓郊野遺產公園改造成適合全家大小的聖誕仙境

Country Bright Event Transforms Acres of Milton Country Heritage Park into A Family-Friendly Christmas Wonderland / 「Country Bright」勝但節特別活動將數英畝的米爾頓郊野遺產公園改造成適合全家大小的聖誕仙境

December 8, 2021 · Leave a Comment