Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

Tag Archives: 歷史

埃及深度旅遊記 – 開羅城門及背後的歷史與戰爭 / Gates of Cairo and The History and Battles Behind, Deep Travel Egypt

埃及深度旅遊記 – 開羅城門及背後歷史與戰爭 / Deep Travel Egypt – Gates of Cairo and The History and Battles Behind

December 18, 2020 · Leave a Comment

Halloween at Casa Loma Toronto Haunted Tour 2020 / 多倫多卡薩洛馬古堡2020萬聖節鬼屋遊

(中文版向下看 / scroll down for Chinese version) (中譯:殘編 / Chinese translation by Tanya) Halloween at Casa Loma Toronto Haunted Tour 2020 / 多倫多卡薩洛馬古堡2020萬聖節鬼屋遊 Toronto’s Casa Loma is the former home … Continue reading

October 27, 2020 · Leave a Comment

土耳其伊斯坦堡旅遊記之一 Travel Istanbul, Turkey-1

土耳其伊斯坦堡旅遊記之一 Travel Istanbul, Turkey-1 (Scroll down for English Version / 英文版向下看) (translation by Tanya / 英譯:殘編) 對一個走遍世界的人來說,伊斯坦堡往往仍是最令人流連忘返的地方。倘若你問我哪一個地方是儘管年邁了、對世界毫無願望了,總有一個記憶的角落仍牽念著,想靜靜地在那兒住上一陣子?我的答案會是伊斯坦堡。拿破崙也曾說:「倘若世界是一個國家,那麼這它的首都必是伊斯坦堡。」 English Version / 英文版: For most world travelers, Istanbul is one of the … Continue reading

October 9, 2020 · 2 Comments

阿拉伯人筆下的情與慾 / Lust and Love in Arabic literature

/ 阿拉伯人筆下的情與慾自古就有阿拉伯文學「性」觀念跟你想的不一樣 /Lust and Love in Arabic Literature – Sexuality in Ancient Arabic Literature May  Not Be What You Think

August 30, 2020 · Leave a Comment

時尚高潮旅遊記 – 沙烏地最大的紅沙漠 – 述說著阿拉伯歷史上最早的梁祝式愛情故事的觀光旅遊景點 /Fashion Ecstasy Travel Blog – Travel to the Biggest and Most Romantic Golden Desert, Saudi Arabia

時尚高潮旅遊記 – 沙烏地最大的紅沙漠 – 述說著阿拉伯歷史上最早的梁祝式愛情故事的觀光旅遊景點 /Fashion Ecstasy Travel Blog – Travel to the Biggest and Most Romantic Golden Desert, Saudi Arabia

August 21, 2020 · 3 Comments

掀開霧娘面紗的阿卜哈 – 沙烏地霧城之旅 / A Journey to the City of Fogs and Lover of Clouds – Abha

掀開霧娘面紗沙烏地最高的霧城阿卜哈之旅遊記/ Travel – A Journey to the City of Fogs and Lover of Clouds – Abha, Saudi Arabia

August 8, 2020 · 1 Comment

玫瑰城的記憶 – Travel – Petra, Jordan – the Seven Wonders of The World 時尚高潮旅遊記 約旦貝特拉玫瑰城 世界七大奇景

Travel – Petra, Jordan – the Seven Wonders of The World
時尚高潮旅遊記 約旦貝特拉玫瑰城 世界七大奇景

June 28, 2020 · Leave a Comment

Atout France Destination France 2020 tradeshow and Award ceremony – 法國目的地風土-Atout France法國2020年法國觀光旅遊貿易展覽和頒獎典禮-一塊發現不完的迷人土地。

Destination France Terroirs – Atout France Destination France 2020 tradeshow and Award ceremony — a land of Abundance with Plenty to Discover. Read Fashion Ecstasy’s travel guide for all kinds of travellers!
Atout France法國2020年法國觀光旅遊貿易展覽和頒獎典禮-一塊發現不完的迷人土地。

March 3, 2020 · 2 Comments

Fairmount Royal York Hotel Toronto 90th Birthday Bash / 費爾蒙特皇家約克飯店慶祝歲生日與嶄新的面貌

(中文版向下看 / please scroll down for Chinese version) by Nadia Greco Fairmount Hotel 90th Birthday Bash / 費爾蒙特皇家約克飯店慶祝歲生日與嶄新的面貌 By Nadia Greco On June 24th, 2019, The Fairmont Royal York threw … Continue reading

July 6, 2019 · 1 Comment