Tag Archives: 餐廳
An Introduction to French Cuisine and its History – 2 / 法國料理的介紹及歷史演變 -第2章
How did Italian Cuisine influence French Cuisine? /義大利料理是如何影響法國料理的?
The start of the French course menu and its order / 法國料理多道菜套餐起源以及上菜順序
What is a Cordon Bleu? / • 什麼是法國料理中的「藍帶(Cordon Bleu)」?
Where does the word “Restaurant” come from? /「Restaurant」(餐廳)一詞是怎麼來的?
Who Discovered the Soup? / 是誰發明「湯」(SOUP)?
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An Introduction to French Cuisine and its History / 法國料理的介紹及歷史演變
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殘編大藍洞 – 世上最危險的潛水景點旅遊記 – 貝里斯一周遊記 –下集
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旅遊記 – 殘編前往世界上最危險的潛水景點-貝里斯大藍洞 – 作為一個冒險家,看到「最危險」三個字,當然是加分啦 / Diving in The World’s Most Dangerous Site – The Great Blue Hole – Travel Blog – A Week in Belize
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專業、好吃,米其林還沒發現的淡水新市鎮安唐帝諾義式餐廳食記 / Andantino Italian restaurant, Tamsui Review, A Gem with Superb Professionalism Yet to be Discovered by The Michelin Guide
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6個網紅、網美必踩點的2D CAFE紅片全亞洲爆紅打卡咖啡廳師大旗艦店容易錯過的打卡自拍重點殘編總整理
/ 6 Super Instagrammable 2D Cafe Shida (flagship store in Taiwan) Easy to Miss Selfie Spots – A manga-style cafe that’s earned its fame across Asia
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食記 – 老淡水餐廳 – 活海鮮跟各式台菜大口吃 Review- Lao DanShui Restaurant – Live Seafood with A Vast Selection of Other Local Dishes
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香格里拉遠東 Cafe「加拿大美食嘉年華」活動只到年四月日,想大口吃龍蝦或是跟殘編一樣在台灣想的加拿大人快把握最後機會吃起來!
Shangri-La Taipei’s Cafe at Far Eastern’s”A Culinary Journey to Canada” event only runs until April 5, 2021. Those who crave legit lobsters or want homesick Canadians in Taiwan just like me, grab your last chance before it ends!
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殘編穿上暴龍隊球衣、備齊莫尼尼義大利餐廳的披薩和雞翅配2021 NBA名星賽 / 2021 NBA All-Star with wings and the much debated Hawaiian pizza from Monini International Restaurant and Pizzeria in Tamsui
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