Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

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時尚高潮食記:火焰豬腳、超台漢堡-黑熊愛跳舞再衝第二波 / Second Visit to Taipei Moon Bear Loves Dancing Restaurant/Bar for Flaming Schweinshaxe & Super “Tai” Taiwanese Burger

時尚高潮食記:火焰豬腳 /超「台」漢堡-黑熊愛跳舞再衝第二波
Second Visit to Taipei Moon Bear Loves Dancing Restaurant/Bar ‘s firing hot dishes: “Flaming Schweinshaxe (ham hock)& Super “Tai” Taiwanese Burger

July 21, 2019 · Leave a Comment

夠臭、夠騷!公館西西里克中東串燒餐館店騷味十足!殘編時尚高潮到最高點!Stinky Lamb, Shishlik Pita x Kebab Restaurant Taipei Gives youYour Middle Eastern Cuisine Fix

夠臭、夠騷!公館西西里克中東串燒餐館店騷味十足!殘編時尚高潮到最高點!Stinky Lamb, Shishlik Pita x Kebab Restaurant Taipei Gives youYour Middle Eastern Cuisine Fix 先看時尚超潮食記影片: (Scroll down for English / 英文版往下看) 夠臭、夠騷!中東料理騷味十足!殘編時尚高潮到最高點! 台灣吃羊不熱絡,因為不是每個人都能接受牠的味道。 台灣人思想保守,殊不知味覺也超保守!外國人以為我們吃「臭豆腐」、「雞睾丸」、甚至美國綜藝秀「挑戰恐懼/”誰敢來挑戰“」(Fear Factor) 節目常出現、其實就是「皮蛋」的「百年蛋」很屌,殊不知我們居然連羊肉都不敢碰(噓):P。 (English/英文版) : Stinky lambs … Continue reading

June 25, 2019 · 1 Comment

時尚高潮VIP米其林級餐酒會道道爆乳。。。酪!Trattoria di Primo 台北大直 Fashion Ecstasy VIP Michelin Food Event at trattoria di Primo

時尚高潮VIP米其林級餐酒會道道爆乳。。。酪! Trattoria di Primo 大直- Fashion Ecstasy Exclusive VIP Michelin Food Event at Trattoria di Primo, Dazhi, Taipei Restaurant (英文版看下面\ Scroll down for English) 時尚高潮上週又成功的舉辦獨家米其林級的VIP超級貴賓餐會啦!這次的菜色除了Primo 的明星菜色外,Roy大廚竟還變出連殘編都沒吃過的創意料理!一位大氣的貴賓還帶了「香檳王」(Dom Pérignon) 請大家,幫美食再添一味。 時尚高潮舉辦的餐會都是客製化的菜單,每次聚餐內容的80%以上都是平常Primo菜單上點不到的(趕快加殘編賴ID手刀搶位:(Tinkeebellezza, “ … Continue reading

May 14, 2019 · 2 Comments

Annual Run The World Fashion Show & Night Market 2019 Female Entrepreneurs & Women Empowerment

3rd Annual Run The World Fashion Show & Night Market 2019 – Female Entrepreneurs & Women Empowerment Sunday, April 28, 2019, Toronto   by Sally Warburton Ricarda’s Atrium was filled … Continue reading

May 4, 2019 · Leave a Comment

台北大安區泡泡旅館住宿經驗 Hotel Poispois Taipei Review

台北大安區泡泡旅館住宿經驗 Hotel Poispois Taipei Review ( Scroll down for English version/ 英文版向下看) 英文有一句話「活在自己的泡泡裡」用來形容天真的人,不願意接受現實的複雜,因此好像泡泡一樣活在自己世界裡,彷彿童話故事中的世界一般,與世隔絕。殘編一直以來都是這種人,因此當我造訪台北的「泡泡旅館」時,特別有感觸。 先看住宿影片:   English/英文版: “Living in a bubble” is used to describe simple-minded people who are unwilling to … Continue reading

February 12, 2019 · Leave a Comment

Taichung Xinshe Castle Summit Resort Restaurant

(英文版向下看/ Scroll down for English version) 二戰台中新社莊園「古堡餐廳」,這次終於被我找到了! 先看影片 殘編是個旅行家,在殘障前雖然去45個國家,晉升為「殘編」後,卻被困在這一個自稱還是「福爾摩沙」的島嶼上。當我聽說台中居然有一家「古堡餐廳」,我當然是立馬揪人殺去。只可惜中風後的腦不管用,我們開了3小時的車來到了這裡,雖然他們的餐點蠻好吃,但是我要看的是古堡啊!   English/英文: Taichung Xinshe Castle is a beautiful attraction in Taiwan with European-style architecture and picturesque landscapes perfect for a day out … Continue reading

October 26, 2018 · 4 Comments

食記:台北誠品行旅 The Chapter Cafe/ Eslite Hotel Taipei (Review: The Chapter Cafe/Restaurant: Eslite Hotel Taipei)

我的任務是探索台北與全球有趣的餐廳/咖啡廳/旅館,台北誠品行旅的The Chapter Cafe 是三者的結合。看似普通的大門通向寬敞的書店。我走過一旁美麗的藝術品、進入The Chapter Cafe餐廳。我們點了$1400(+10%)的雙人套餐,因為這價格感覺如不點會對不起自己。 先看影片: English: I’m on a mission to explore all interesting restaurants/cafes/hotels in Taipei and around the world. The Chapter Cafe Restaurant in Eslite Hotel … Continue reading

May 28, 2018 · Leave a Comment