An Introduction to French Cuisine and its History – 2 / 法國料理的介紹及歷史演變 -第2章

An Introduction to French Cuisine and its History – 2 / 法國料理的介紹及歷史演變 -第2章

An Introduction to French Cuisine and its History – 2 / 法國料理的介紹及歷史演變 -第2章
How did Italian Cuisine influence French Cuisine? /義大利料理是如何影響法國料理的?
The start of the French course menu and its order / 法國料理多道菜套餐起源以及上菜順序
What is a Cordon Bleu? / • 什麼是法國料理中的「藍帶(Cordon Bleu)」?
Where does the word “Restaurant” come from? /「Restaurant」(餐廳)一詞是怎麼來的?
Who Discovered the Soup? / 是誰發明「湯」(SOUP)?

Imagine Dragons- Light Forest – A Haunted and Theatrical Tour Event at Casa Loma, Toronto brought to you by Liberty Entertainment Group / 「Imagine Dragons- Light Forest」 – 多倫多解封Liberty Entertainment Group集團為您帶來的活動 – 卡薩羅馬城堡鬧鬼戲劇特效之旅

Imagine Dragons- Light Forest – A Haunted and Theatrical Tour Event at Casa Loma, Toronto brought to you by Liberty Entertainment Group / 「Imagine Dragons- Light Forest」 – 多倫多解封Liberty Entertainment Group集團為您帶來的活動 – 卡薩羅馬城堡鬧鬼戲劇特效之旅

Imagine Dragons- Light Forest – A Haunted and Theatrical Tour Event at Casa Loma, Toronto brought to you by Liberty Entertainment Group / 「Imagine Dragons- […]

Visit to Miami, Florida’s Vizcaya Museum & Gardens Travel Blog

Visit to Miami, Florida’s Vizcaya Museum & Gardens Travel Blog

Vizcaya Museum & Gardens is a 50-acre lavish mansion and gardens of collector James Deering of Deering Harvester Company in the early nineteen-hundreds at the cost of $15 million. The structure is a National historic landmark that sits directly along the shores of Biscayne Bay.
維斯蓋亞莊園/維斯蓋亞博物館和花園(Vizcaya Museum & Garden)是一座美國佔地 50 英畝的豪宅和花園,是 1900 年代初期 Deering Harvester Company 的收藏家 及富豪James Deering 耗資 $1500 萬美元精心建造的歷史地標。

A Journey to Nantes: An Enchanting Renaissance City in France’s Loire-Atlantique Département / 法國南特市 / Atout France法國旅遊發展署推薦充滿文化歷史的觀光城市

A Journey to Nantes: An Enchanting Renaissance City in France’s Loire-Atlantique Département / 法國南特市 / Atout France法國旅遊發展署推薦充滿文化歷史的觀光城市

Nantes offers so much for travelers to see and explore! Time to plan my next trip to deep travel in France!

土耳其伊斯坦堡旅遊記之一 Travel Istanbul, Turkey-1

土耳其伊斯坦堡旅遊記之一 Travel Istanbul, Turkey-1

土耳其伊斯坦堡旅遊記之一 Travel Istanbul, Turkey-1 (Scroll down for English Version / 英文版向下看) (translation by Tanya / 英譯:殘編) 對一個走遍世界的人來說,伊斯坦堡往往仍是最令人流連忘返的地方。倘若你問我哪一個地方是儘管年邁了、對世界毫無願望了,總有一個記憶的角落仍牽念著,想靜靜地在那兒住上一陣子?我的答案會是伊斯坦堡。拿破崙也曾說:「倘若世界是一個國家,那麼這它的首都必是伊斯坦堡。」 English Version / 英文版: For most world travelers, […]

殘編在家自己烤肉過今年中秋 / Chinese Moon Festival BBQ at Home and an Introduction to the holiday’s traditions, activities and stories

殘編在家自己烤肉過今年中秋 / Chinese Moon Festival BBQ at Home and an Introduction to the holiday’s traditions, activities and stories

How we spend our Chinese Moon Festival at home and an introduction to the holiday’s traditions, activities, origin and stories /時尚高潮講解中秋節和殘編今年中秋在家自己烤肉YT食記影片