Toronto is all-abuzz with the news that the North American Premiere of “The Art of Banksy” is happening in Toronto from June 13- July 11. This is the fourth stop in the world tour of Banksy‘s works, with previous showings in Melbourne, Amsterdam, Tel Aviv and Auckland. Starvox Exhibits and Live Nation are co-presenters of the exhibition. At the press conference on May 7 in Toronto, Corey Ross, President of Starvox Exhibits, noted that after seeing it in Amsterdam during a family vacation, he became very excited about bringing it to Toronto. He shared that Toronto beat out Athens and Stockholm in hosting the exhibition.

The Art of Banksy Toronto
The Art of Banksy Toronto

Michel Boersma, Senior Vice President Family Entertainment & Theatre of Live Nation added that Live Nation has strong Toronto roots and the location of the exhibition at 213 Sterling Road (a former industrial warehouse) is a perfect venue. It has a mix of industrial appeal with artistic quality.

“The Art of Banksy” is curated by Steve Lazarides who opened up his archives and brought together artwork from Banksy collectors around the world. There are 80 pieces, valued at over $35 million, in the collection. One of the works is 70 metres in size and was last seen ten years ago at MOCA, Los Angeles. Lazarides, who is Banksy’s former agent and close friend, said that this is the only way to see this large amount of Banksy’s works in one place. Once the exhibition is done, the pieces will be then returned to its owners. He made a point of picking out pieces that were his personal favourites from a variety of mediums like screen prints, sculptures, and paintings. Some of the pieces in the exhibition include: “Balloon Girl,” “Flag Wall,” and “Laugh Now.”

Banksy, whose identity remains a mystery, is the world’s leading graffiti artist. His style mixes satire and political views while using his unique stenciling technique. He is funny, bold and enormously talented. Steve Lazarides shared that every Banksy show since 1997 has been well attended and each year more and more people come to see his works.
There will be a total of 50,000 tickets sold as timed admission and general admission. American Express cardholders are able to purchase tickets in advance from May 7 onwards, and
general tickets go on sale beginning Saturday, May 12 at 10:00 a.m. Tickets are available through


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