The Interior Design Show (IDS) 2024 Returns to Toronto for its 25th Anniversary Year / 2024 年年度室內設計展 (IDS) 重返多倫多

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The Interior Design Show (IDS) returned for its 25th anniversary year, celebrating the best in creativity and design for interiors (and exteriors). The annual show took place this year on Jan 18-21, 2024, at Toronto’s Metro Convention Centre, and it was extremely well attended.

There was a packed schedule of events on all days of the show.

We got a preview of the Signature Kitchen Suite with a delicious demonstration by Chef Mark McEwan (head judge of Top Chef Canada) and enjoyed seeing the appliances in action.

Dezeen Day was on the Thursday opening day with panels on Shaping the Future with Circular Design and In Conversation with Alison Brooks.

Later that evening was the Opening Party, which was an exhilarating time to schmooze and celebrate. The highlight of the night was performances by Miss Moco and Tynomi Banks, who brought the energy up for the crowds. The very talented DJs Armandd, Phillippe and Ace Dillinger got everyone dancing away. It was fun to walk around and experience all the booths.
AZURE Trade Talks was held on Friday, January 19, 2024, and featured Capture: The Art & Technique of Architectural Photography, Interior Design and the Changing Climate, in conversation with Marva Griffin and Oskar Zieta.
The Globe & Mail sponsored talks on Saturday about The Future Neighbourhood, Designing Canada 2024: Living in the Multi-verse and Ten Years of the Fogo Island Inn: A Design Legacy House and Home.

Sunday, hosted by Lynda Reeves, featured exciting designers Brian Gluckstein: SIGNATURE MOVES, Christiane Lemieux: HOME AS A SANCTUARY, and Aly Velji: GLOBAL VIBES, A NEW LOOK FOR LAYERED.

There were so many interesting exhibits to see throughout the convention centre. Be Shine‘s customized wall fabrics,‘s custom-made wall murals,
CABN showed their super cool Hutt model of prefab structures that are liveable and affordable. Roche Bobois’s collaboration with Joana Vasconcelos with the BomBom Collection. There were other exciting displays from Sherwin Williams, Miele and many others.
Studio North had independent product designers showing their unique designs within a gallery-like setting.
It was a very successful show, and we are looking forward to IDS 2025!

(中文版 / Chinese version):

室內設計展 (IDS) 重返多倫多第 25 週年,繼續慶祝室內(和室外)創意設計的最佳表現。今年度的展會於 2024 年 1 月 18 日至 21 日在多倫多都會會議中心(Metro Convention Centre)舉行,參加人數非常多。展會期間的所有活動行程都排得滿滿的。

我們預覽了招牌廚房套件,並由主廚馬克·麥克尤恩(競賽真人廚藝秀《頂級大廚》加拿大版(Top Chef Canada)的首席評委)進行了令人垂涎三尺的美味演示,並很高興看到這些電器的實際使用。

Dezeen Day 於週四開幕,行程包括「用圓形設計塑造未來」和「與名設計師艾莉森·布魯克斯Alison Brooks)對話(Shaping the Future with Circular Design and In Conversation with Alison Brook)」等專題。
當晚晚些時候便是年度展的開幕派對,這是一個令人興奮的社交、閒聊的慶祝時刻。當晚的亮點是莫科小姐(Miss Moco)和泰諾米·班克斯(Tynomi Banks)的表演,他們為觀眾帶來了活力。才華橫溢的 DJ Armandd、Phillippe 和 Ace Dillinger 讓每個人都翩翩起舞。受邀賓客可以四處走走,並體驗所有有趣的攤位。
AZURE 貿易談判於 2024 年 1 月 19 日星期五舉行,專題為「與 Marva Griffin 和 Oskar Zietau 一起探討:建築攝影、室內設計和不斷變化的氣候藝術與技術Capture: The Art & Technique of Architectural Photography, Interior Design and the Changing Climate, in conversation with Marva Griffin and Oskar Zieta)」。
《環球郵報(The Globe & Mai)》週六贊助了有關「未來社區」、「設計加拿大 2024:生活在多元宇宙The Future Neighbourhood, Designing Canada 2024: Living in the Multi-verse)」和「福戈島旅館十年:設計遺產Ten Years of the Fogo Island Inn: A Design Legacy House)」的演講。
由 Lynda Reeves 主持的House and Home Sunday請來了令人興奮的名設計師作各種專題演講,包括 Brian Gluckstein的「SIGNATURE MOVES」、Christiane Lemieux的「HOME AS A SANCTUARY」 和 Aly Velji的「GLOBAL VIBES、A NEW LOOK FOR LAYERED」。

整個會議中心有許多有趣的展品可供參觀,例如 Be Shine 的訂製牆布、 的客製化壁畫、CABN 展示超酷的 Hutt 預製結構模型,既宜居又經濟實惠。 Roche Bobois 與 Joana Vasconcelos 合作推出 BomBom 系列。 Sherwin Williams、Miele 和許多其他公司也進行了其他令人興奮的展示。
Studio North 擁有獨立的產品設計師,在畫廊般的環境中展示他們獨特的設計
這是一次非常成功的展會,我們期待IDS 2025

(photos by Sari)


  • Sari Colt
  • Fashion Ecstasy

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