Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

莫尼尼義大利餐廳配2021 NBA名星賽 / 2021 NBA All-Star with Monini International Restaurant and Pizzeria in Tamsui

2021 NBA All-Star with Monini International Restaurant and Pizzeria in Tamsui / 莫尼尼義大利餐廳配2021 NBA名星賽

(中文版 向下看/ Scroll down for Chinese version)

殘編的童裝部暴龍隊球衣 / My kids-size Raptors jersey

殘編的童裝部暴龍隊球衣 / My kids-size Raptors jersey

I hope all of you in Taiwan were able to get up in time to catch the 2021 NBA All-Star games! Living with chronic insomnia, I had no problem at all!

中文版 / Chinese version:

  • Watch my NBA All-Star with Pizza & Wings Youtube Vlog First/ 先看殘編看NBA球賽YT影片:

There was a lot of preparation and inner- struggle for my NBA All-Star stream experience, I almost went schizophrenic from all this. Read it all below:

中文版 / Chinese version:
殘編在家吃淡水墨尼尼義大利餐廳披薩雞翅2021年NBA名星球賽:, 殘編為了準備一場完美的NBA名星賽看球賽經驗,心中經歷了超多小劇場,差一點人格分裂,往下看就知道為什麼了:


Back in Toronto, I used to live right above Air Canada Centre, home to Raptors and home to me! so I’ve been so excited to watch the game. I did a lot of preparation way ahead of time to make everything perfect.

 中文版 / Chinese version:
殘編以前在多倫多住在ACCAir Canada Center)樓上,也就是跟暴龍隊開賽時比賽的同一棟樓,所以每當NBA開打,我就非常興奮。 今年為了讓看球賽經驗一切完美,我提前做了很多準備工作,把自己搞得超忙的。

I tried ordering off a Raptors jersey on NBA‘s online store; however, they do not sell hobbit size. After searching online for days and many sleepless nights, I decided to order one from a kidswear store. For me, shopping from the kids’ department in the western world is just normal and saves me a lot of money. However, buying kidswear in an Asian country at age 34 is a first. Guess what? When the product arrived, it is still too big for me. But I guess bigger is better than too small, at least I don’t tear it apart and let it go to waste. Or else, I wouldn’t have enough time to purchase a new one in time to watch the game.

 中文版 / Chinese version:
看球賽一定穿球衣啦!我試著在NBA官網上訂暴龍隊球衣, 可惜,他們沒賣哈比人尺寸。在經過上網花上好幾天跟熬夜的夜晚搜尋後,我決定從一家童裝店訂購一件小朋友的球衣。對殘編來說,在西方國家血拼時,直接往童裝部衝是很正常的,因為尺寸合,還能省不少錢。 但都大嬸年紀的我在成人後還是第一次在台灣買童裝,等貨時心驚膽顫,因為怕衣服被我撐破,又來不及在NBA開賽之前買到新的。殊不知,貨到一開箱,即便是童裝, 殘編穿起來還是太大!看來經過時間的摧殘,我已經從「哈比人」縮成「縮比人」了。 至少太大總比太小要好,沒有撐破浪費。將來搞不好能在台灣繼續用我在國外那招,逛童裝省錢。

The outfit, check! I have my flat-screen TV, and I have never taken down the Canadian flag I bought for our Fashion Ecstasy VIP Oh! Canada Day! Event the first year I relocated to Taiwan. It’s still hanging on our walls. So setting, check! My Canadian spirit inside me is all pumped up now!
You can’t watch sports without food! Now we all know sports and pizza go hand-in-hand. This is where the struggle begins.

 中文版 / Chinese version:
治裝,過關! 家裡有一台液晶螢幕電視。殘編為了回台後第一年所舉辦的「時尚高潮VIP加拿大日」活動而買的超大加拿大國旗也從未從牆上拆下來。 因此佈景,過關! 此刻,我內心深處的加拿大精神已經貫穿全身,慾火焚身!

  • The Controversial, Canadian invented Hawaiian Pizza / 備受爭議的「夏威夷比薩」:

莫尼尼義大利餐廳「鮮蝦夏威夷比薩」/ "Shrimp Hawaiian Pizza" from Monini Restaurant

莫尼尼義大利餐廳「鮮蝦夏威夷比薩」/ “Shrimp Hawaiian Pizza” from Monini Restaurant

To make all things Canadian, I want to order the much-debated Hawaiian Pizza. A disgrace to Italian cuisine, but hey, invented by Canadians.
The Italian-educated me says, “Don’t you dare…!” The Canadian inside me says, “How could you not?

 中文版 / Chinese version:
思鄉已五年的我,這次堅持一切照加拿大文化來,因此比薩想叫備受爭議的「夏威夷披薩」。 「夏威夷披薩」對於注重美食文化的義大利是一種污辱,再加上比薩是他們的國民食物,所以在他們的土地亂吃他們的食物,更是間接污辱義大利人。但你可能有所不知,這微妙的披薩口味可是加拿大人發明的?

I remember the first time I tried or even heard about “Hawaiin Pizza” was when I first moved to Canada in grade 9, high school. Later when I studied for my master’s in Milan and spent over a year in Italy, I learned ingredients like chicken or pineapple on pizza are a disgrace to Italian cuisine. I respect Italian cuisine, so I’ve gone cold turkey on pineapple and chicken as pizza toppings for over 2 decades now. But my love for Canada is too strong, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself for the crime of treason after all Canada has given me.

> 中文版 / Chinese version:
殘編記得第一次吃、甚至第一次知道夏威夷比薩」是在9年級第一次移居加拿大時。 後來去米蘭讀碩士並在義大利住上一年多時,才了解原來在比薩上加雞肉或鳳梨等不傳統的配料,對義大利菜一種污辱。義大利又以他們的美食為傲,所以這樣亂吃更是間接污辱義大利人。 我尊重義大利美食,所以在過去的20多年裡,我早就拒絕吃不傳統的義大利菜。但是身為愛國的加拿大人,如果成為叛國賊,我將終身無法原諒自己。

2021 NBA All-Star with Monini International Restaurant and Pizzeria in Tamsui / 莫尼尼義大利餐廳配2021 NBA名星賽

yay or nay for Hawaiian pizza? /「夏威夷比薩」FB爭論中

I’m torn, I go on Facebook and consult with an Italian friend who just opened up a restaurant in Toronto to seek guidance. I ask him: “What do you think about Hawaiian pizza?”
After a simple: “merde (which, I believe no translation needed)” reply, then it’s over an hour of “dot, dot, dot,” (still typing) on his side. I can already tell how much swearing and hand gestures are going on on his side as he types.

 中文版 / Chinese version:
他先簡單的回答一句:「 merde(髒話)」後,接下來就是超過一個小時的(對方仍在打字回覆中)的「點、點、點」符號。我可以想像他此時在多倫多的那一方用多少髒話跟氣憤的手勢在砲轟。





The angel and devil guilty conscience is tearing me apart, I’m at the point of becoming schizophrenic. So I decide to let down my education, my knowledge, and my family who spent a fortune to send me to Milan for my master’s and order a Hawaiian Pizza. I’m not sure if I can take it since it’s been so long I last had Hawaiian Pizza. To avoid a heart attack or another stroke, I decided to order a small pizza from Monini International Cuisine, an independent Italian restaurant in Tamsui, instead of a large pizza from the big pizza chains we usually order from.

 中文版 / Chinese version:

  • Pizza is not the only food that goes hand-in-hand with sports, right? What about the wings and other

finger foods?
So I end up ordering 1 Deep-Fried Fish Fingers ($125NT), 1 Buffalo Wings ($185NT), and 1 Hawaii Pizza ($320NT)

 中文版 / Chinese version:
但看球賽不能單單只配比薩吧?還有雞翅跟其他炸物呢?於是我點了1份「酥炸魚柳條($ 125元),1份「水牛城辣雞翅($ 185元)」和1個「夏威夷鮮蝦披薩($ 320元)」

I’ve been craving Latin food for years. If you’ve seen my “CNY Pig Out #15DaysChallenge” post, you know the only place where I can find a burrito is Subway! I’m telling you, we need more Latino immigrants in Taiwan. I crave Spanish food, paella especially, so when I see “Spanish Seafood Risotto ($290NT),” I thought: “Close enough!” and went ahead and added it to my order.

 中文版 / Chinese version:

  • “Buffalo Wings ($185NT)” / 「水牛城辣雞翅($ 185元)」:

one order of Buffalo wings only comes with 4 wings, each of them evenly dressed and moist, and the flavoring gives you a huge kick.

 中文版 / Chinese version:
一份「水牛城辣雞翅($ 185元)」只給4雞翅,每雞翅都裹著濕潤均勻的醬料,平常吃水牛城雞翅都是在不太敢吃辣的西方國家,莫尼尼大膽地將他的水牛城雞翅口味做得很辣,吃起來帶勁,是殘編吃過最辣的「水牛城雞翅」。

  • “Hawaii Shrimp Pizza ($320NT)” / 「夏威夷鮮蝦比薩($ 320元)」:
莫尼尼義大利餐廳「鮮蝦夏威夷比薩」/ "Shrimp Hawaiian Pizza" from Monini Restaurant

莫尼尼義大利餐廳「鮮蝦夏威夷比薩」/ “Shrimp Hawaiian Pizza” from Monini Restaurant

Monini substitutes its meat topping on its Hawaiian pizza with shrimps. Making it more refreshing than the usual “Hawaiian pizza,” which is topped with either bacon or ham. Think “chaste pineapple shrimp balls.”
While my tongue is still burning from the Buffalo wings, one bite of the pineapple from the pizza provides an instant antidote for the spiciness. I wish those who no longer have access to Taiwanese pineapples good luck with their Sichuan spices. Because I tell you, sugar and milk is not enough.

 中文版 / Chinese version:

  • “Deep-Fried Fish Fingers ($125NT)” / 「酥炸魚柳條($ 125元)」:
“Deep-Fried Fish Fingers ($125NT)” / 「酥炸魚柳條($ 125元)」

“Deep-Fried Fish Fingers ($125NT)” / 「酥炸魚柳條($ 125元)」

We all know “fish and chips” originated in England. However, the best fish and chips I’ve had were mostly in North America, where the fish are thickly battered. However, some say that the batter is not meant to be eaten, but to provide protection during the frying process then peeled off before eating. Monini‘s “Deep-Fried Fish Fingers” are lightly battered (if any at all). Battered or not, while the seafood taste is fresh, the meat is nowhere close to tender, chewy, even. I’m not British so I have no say. The verdict depends on how you like your fish.

 中文版 / Chinese version:



  • “Spanish Seafood Risotto ($290NT)” / 「西班牙海鮮燉飯」($290元):

Monini‘s “Spanish Seafood Risotto ($290NT)” is bright yellow in colour. Judging by its colour, you’d think they use a lot of turmerics. However, turmeric usually produces a strong taste, which is not present in this dish, so my guess is they use Calendula or alternative food colouring. Whatever they use for the colour, the main ingredient, saffron, however, is missing. The risotto comes with about 1″ thick slices of calamari, whole shrimp, and mussels, the rice is moist, allowing chucks of it to stay stuffed in the calamari rings, it is almost like stuffed squid with rice inside a risotto.

 中文版 / Chinese version:
莫尼尼義大利餐廳的「西班牙海鮮燉飯($ 290NT)」顏色呈亮黃色。從顏色看來,您會以為他們使用大量的薑黃。但是薑黃味道強,這道菜卻沒有薑黃味,所以殘編猜測他們是使用金盞花或其他食用色素。無論使用什麼著色,都少了「西班牙燉飯」中最關鍵的食材:「番紅花」。燉飯裡毫不吝嗇的放入大量海鮮,有約1厚的魷魚片,整隻的蝦和淡菜,米飯偏濕潤所以可以不散落的塞在魷魚圈裡,感覺像燉飯裡又藏著北海道郷土料理「花枝飯」一樣。

Fashion Ecstasy Monini International Restaurant Review in a Nutshell / 時尚高潮殘編墨尼尼義大利餐廳 (新北淡水店)總評價:

For the price, Monini is a steal. I will order from them again for my next game or Netflix binge-watch marathon.

 中文版 / Chinese version:


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