Tag Archives: dessert
Le Palais is a renowned restaurant in Taipei that has earned three Michelin stars for five consecutive years (2018-2022) for its exceptional dining experience.
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老林記素食粽五寶組/古早味素食粽開箱試吃評價 / LaoLinJi Vegetarian Sticky-Rice Dumplings (Zongzi) Quinto Set Open Box Review
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台灣丹提咖啡開箱試吃食記評價 – 健康不失美味 / Dante Coffee Taiwan Open Box Review, Healthy & Yummy
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Farzi Café Indian Restaurant by Masterchef India Judge Zorawar Kalra Opens Its First Canadian Location at Mississauga’s Square One Shopping Centre / 廚神當道(廚藝大師)印度版評審Zorawar Kalra的印度料理名餐廳Farzi Café第一家加拿大連鎖店開幕在 – 美西沙加方塊一購物中心
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An Introduction to French Cuisine and its History – Chapter 3/ 法國料理的介紹及歷史演變 – 第3章
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0 Failure Super Easy 2-Ingredient Oreo Ice-cream TikTok Viral Cake Recipe / 2樣食材零失敗OREO奧利奧冰淇淋蛋糕 – 殘編自創抖音爆紅食譜
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香格里拉遠東 Cafe「加拿大美食嘉年華」活動只到年四月日,想大口吃龍蝦或是跟殘編一樣在台灣想的加拿大人快把握最後機會吃起來!
Shangri-La Taipei’s Cafe at Far Eastern’s”A Culinary Journey to Canada” event only runs until April 5, 2021. Those who crave legit lobsters or want homesick Canadians in Taiwan just like me, grab your last chance before it ends!
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食記 &影片 – 新北市板橋希爾頓大廳酒吧「SociAbility 逸廊」下午茶套餐/ Review & Vlog – Hilton Hotel Banqiao in New Taipei City SociAbility Lobby Lounge Afternoon Tea Set
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台北金雞母食記 – 網紅超夯打卡甜點店 Jingimoo Taipei Super Instagrammmable Dessert Store (Scroll down for English/ 英文版看下面): 先看時尚高潮食記影片 / Watch our video first: 甜點會為紅的都是靠噱頭,看多膩了也就是翻翻眼白。那如果你是甜點中的抹茶控+ 挫冰控,你要吃什麼?殘編本來就是北極人,愛吃冰,在日本生活時後受日本影響,也愛吃抹茶。但是甜點中抹茶系列的甜點不外乎就是蛋糕、糕品類;在冰品的八寶也沒有一項是抹茶。每次在斟酌要屈服給那一種甜點的時後,您是否跟殘編ㄧ樣,不止一個頭兩個大,胃也很想撐到兩個大?!殘編最近發現ㄧ家能滿足我所有甜品慾求不滿的店家:金雞母。 (English/英文): Insta-famed desserts & food rely on gimmicks. … Continue reading →
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