Tag archives for New York

Tokyo, Japan – A Must-Visit for all types of travellers, From Luxury Travellers to Backpackers

Tokyo, Japan - A Must-Visit for all types of travellers, From Luxury Travellers to Backpackers (此文為英文版遊記,愈看中文版部落格請點以下連結🔗/ This post is in English, for the Chinese travel blog, please click on the…
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Grand Opening of Piece by Piece – Inside Renzo Piano Building Workshop Exhibit at Toronto’s Harbourfront Centre

Grand Opening of Piece by Piece – Inside Renzo Piano Building Workshop Exhibit at Toronto's Harbourfront Centre (This post is in English, for the Chinese version, please click on the…
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A Peek Inside Albright Fashion Library – Where Hollywood Celebrities Source Their Red Carpet Looks / 帶您參觀好萊塢明星們星光大道治裝的秘密來源 – 洛杉磯的奧爾布賴特時裝圖書館

A Peek Inside Albright Fashion Library - Where Hollywood Celebrities Source Their Red Carpet Looks / 帶您參觀好萊塢明星們星光大道治裝的秘密來源 - 洛杉磯的奧爾布賴特時裝圖書館 (中文版向下看 / Scroll down for the Chinese version) (中譯:殘編 / Chinese…
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NYFW New York Fashion Week Fall / Winter 2022 Kick-off: Runway Muse Stays True-to Self through an Out-of-World Lens Captivated by International Graduating Fashion Students

NYFW New York Fashion Week Fall / Winter 2022 Kick-off: The Next Fashion Muse presented by Runway Muse (words & photos by Alex Anisman) (此文為英文版,欲看中文版請點以下連結 / This post is in…
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時尚高潮與獲獎製片家羅傑·謝爾曼 (Roger Sherman) 獨家採訪:關於他的獲獎紀錄片《農民的靈魂》(The Soul of a Farmer)

時尚高潮與獲獎製片家羅傑·謝爾曼 (Roger Sherman) 獨家採訪:關於他的獲獎紀錄片《農民的靈魂》(The Soul of a Farmer) This post was originally posted in English at the link below / 這篇文章原文為英文,欲看英文版請點以下連結: (Chinese translation by Tanya / 中譯:殘編) 羅傑·謝爾曼 (Roger Sherman)的獲獎紀錄片《農民的靈魂》(…
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Toronto’s AGO (The Art Gallery of Ontario) Re-opens Its Doors to the Public with Andy Warhol Exhibition

Toronto's AGO (The Art Gallery of Ontario) Re-opens Its Doors to the Public with Andy Warhol Exhibition (此文為英文版,欲看中文版請點以下連結 / This is the English version, for the Chinese version, please click…
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