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18 Jiang Zuo  Chicken Soup  With Lion’s Mane Mushrooms Open Box Tasting & Review

18 Jiang Zuo  Chicken Soup  With Lion's Mane Mushrooms Open Box Tasting & Review: (此文為英文版食記,欲看中文版食記評價文,請點以下連結🔗 / This post is the English version, for the review in Chinese, please click on…
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Award-winning, popular, and well-established store Nanmen Market Yi Xiang Zhai Puli Township’s drunken Shaoxing wine Ingots open box tasting and review

Award-winning, popular, and well-established store Nanmen Market Yi Xiang Zhai Puli Township's drunken Shaoxing wine Ingots open box tasting and review: (This post is the English review, for the Chinese…
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Seadog Finance – The Next Big Cryptocurrency Meme You Do Not Want to Miss Out  / 海狗幣下個迷因虛擬加密代幣

Seadog Finance - The Next Big Cryptocurrency Meme You Do Not Want to Miss Out  / 海狗幣下個迷因虛擬加密代幣 ( Scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看)  先看海狗幣教學影片/ Watch Seadog Finance's Tutorial…
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顱外 / 經顱磁次激治療可點亮燈泡?殘編當白老鼠實驗!Does rTMS light up a bulb? Here’s a real life experiment

(scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看) 最近超夯的「顱外磁刺激」(rTMS)(又稱:經顱磁刺激術)在自由時報、台灣新生報、中天新聞等各大新聞媒體瘋狂報導,奇蹟似治癒了很多腦部神經所引發的疾病。 據說,如果在經顱磁刺激治療期間時手持燈泡,它會亮!    根據 加拿大入籍考試參考書「發現加拿大」 (” Discover Canada”),燈泡是由加拿大人Mathew Evans和 Henry Woodward發明再將專利賣給愛迪生的。 身為愛國的加拿大人,殘編為了發揮「加拿大」的精神,親自當白老鼠做實驗。 先看殘編親身當白老鼠實驗影片: (English version / 英文版): The latest hot topic in the…
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