Unveiling Ceremony of Toronto Sam Ciccolini Laneway / 多倫多Sam Ciccolini Laneway巷道命名揭幕儀式
(中文版向下看 / Scroll down for Chinese version)
(Chinese translation by Tanya)
Unveiling Ceremony of Toronto Sam Ciccolini Laneway / 多倫多Sam Ciccolini Laneway巷道命名揭幕儀式
Unveiling Ceremony of Toronto Sam Ciccolini Laneway / 多倫多Sam Ciccolini Laneway巷道命名揭幕儀式
Unveiling Ceremony of Sam Ciccolini Laneway – 多倫多Sam Ciccolini Laneway巷道揭幕儀式
(image courtesy of After Breast Cancer)
- On Friday, February 14th, 2020, Fashion Ecstasy joined in the celebration of the Sam Ciccolini laneway. The laneway, located in Corso Italia, honored the life and legacy of Sam Ciccolini, a renowned philanthropist, business owner, and member of the Order of Canada.
中文版/ Chinese version:
2020年2月14日,星期五,「時尚高潮」受邀參加Sam Ciccolini巷道的開幕慶祝活動。 這條巷道位於多倫多的Corso Italia區,並採加拿大的名慈善家及企業家,Sam Ciccolini的名字命名,藉以向Sam致敬。
A Valentine’s Day Full of Love and Kindness / 偉人在情人節將滿滿的愛獻給人民:
Hosting the ceremony on Valentine’s Day was appropriate as the celebration was a touching tribute of love and appreciation from his community and all those who have been recipients of his kindness and generosity.
中文版/ Chinese version:
Ribbon-cutting Ceremony / 剪彩儀式活動:
Following the ribbon-cutting, everyone in attendance journeyed to the parish hall inside St. Clare’s Roman Catholic Church for the second half of the celebration. The second half began with a cake cutting where members of Sam’s family and close associates surrounded him.
Unveiling Ceremony of Toronto Sam Ciccolini Laneway / 多倫多Sam Ciccolini Laneway巷道命名揭幕儀式
Unveiling Ceremony of Toronto Sam Ciccolini Laneway / 多倫多Sam Ciccolini Laneway巷道命名揭幕儀式
中文版/ Chinese version:
在剪彩儀式結束後,出席的嘉賓紛紛前往 St. Clare’s Roman天主教堂內的教區大廳,繼續下半場慶祝活動。 下半場以切蛋糕儀式開場。此時,Sam的家人和摯友包圍他。
- After the cake cutting, community members, business partners, and
family members took to the stage to share kind words of gratitude for the man whose dedication and leadership in business, healthcare, sports, and charitable endeavours has spanned over sixty years and counting.
中文版/ Chinese version:
- Alicia Vianga, founder and executive director of After Breast Cancer, opened the remarks by sharing how Sam has been an essential part of her organization as the chair, as well as revealed how she led the process of having the laneway named after him. During her remarks, she mentioned that upon sharing this news to Sam, he was surprised and humbly requested to have the lane named after his late daughter, Cristina. She ended her time on stage by presenting a plaque to Sam and his family.
中文版/ Chinese version:
乳癌慈善機構After Breast Cancer的創始人兼執行董事Alicia Vianga在致辭時分享了Sam如何成為她們(ABC)組織主席的重要成員,並分享了她如何成功取用SAM的名字命名此巷道的往事。 在致詞中,她提到當她與SAM分享這見好消息時,他雖然感覺驚喜,卻謙虛地要求他們用已故的女兒Cristina的名字命名。 Alicia最後在舞台上頒給SAM及其家人一塊榮譽的牌匾,結束舞台致詞。
- Soon the man of the hour, Sam, approached the stage and gave a speech
that expressed deep appreciation for the unwavering friendship of everyone in the room and how every person he has listed has enriched his life. To his wife, Donna, he has said, “all I can say is thank God for you!” He was deeply touched by the outpouring of love from all of those in the community who have made the laneway possible.
中文版/ Chinese version:
- When Sam returned to his seat, Lenny Lombardi, the event’s emcee, called upon one of the members of the St. Clare Church‘s clergy to say grace and bless the buffet. After the priest encouraged everyone to recite Benedictus Benedicat, meaning “May the Blessed One bless this,” Lenny thanked everyone for attending the ceremony and welcomed everyone to enjoy the lunch buffet, catered by La Bruschetta restaurant.

Unveiling Ceremony of Sam Ciccolini Laneway – 多倫多Sam Ciccolini aLaneway巷道揭幕儀式10
中文版/ Chinese version:
當SAM回到座位時,活動主持人Lenny Lombardi邀請St. Clare教堂一名神職人員帶著大家做餐前禱告。 牧師帶者大家背誦 「Benedictus Benedicat」,其意思為「願有福的人為此祝福」Lenny最後感謝所有嘉賓參加此活動並歡迎大家享用由La Bruschetta餐廳外燴的自助午餐。
Congratulations to Sam Ciccolini and his family on this great honour!
時尚高潮在此恭喜Sam Ciccolini和他的家人獲得此殊榮!
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