Imagine Dragons- Light Forest – A Haunted and Theatrical Tour Event at Casa Loma, Toronto brought to you by Liberty Entertainment Group / 「Imagine Dragons- Light Forest」 – 多倫多解封Liberty Entertainment Group集團為您帶來的活動 – 卡薩羅馬城堡鬧鬼戲劇特效之旅

(中文版向下看 / Scroll down for Chinese version)

As Toronto reopens up to the world after a horrible and unbearable caged year due to the pandemic, Liberty Entertainment Group creates yet another immersive
theatrical experience: Imagine DragonsLight Forest at Toronto‘s legendary Casa Loma, a ghost hunters’ favourite location. The magical wonderland brings one back in time to the era of kings, fairies, gnomes, and of course, dragons!

  • Watch our Youtube Video First / 先看時尚高潮YT影片:

中文版 / Chinese version:
經歷可怕且難以忍受閉關在家防疫超過一年後,在多倫多解封重新向外面世界開放的同時,Liberty Entertainment Group也隨即在集團擁有的鬧鬼出名景點卡薩羅馬城堡Casa Loma)打造一個身臨其境的體驗給喜歡靈異探險訪客。
一場戲劇般的體驗:這項在多倫多傳奇的Casa Loma所舉辦的行程名為「Imagine Dragons- Light Forest」 ,行程中神奇的仙境將訪客帶回了國王、仙女、侏儒,當然還有西洋龍的時代!

We walked through the enchanted 2 km trail during our visit, taking one around the castle and then underneath the Dragon’s Lair and the King’s Throne.

中文版 / Chinese version:
整趟造訪行程中,我們走過2 公里的迷人小徑,繞著城堡外圍走一圈,然後還經過龍穴國王寶座。

It was so much fun strolling the forest on a warm summer night. There were surprises from western folklore, fairy tales and mythology at every turn as we walked through, from the vibrant lights and lasers effects to the knights, werewolves, pretty fairies and maidens. Then we encountered the King and Queen. There was so much to experience. Strolling through the grounds of Casa Loma, we felt like we were transported back to that era of long ago.

中文版 / Chinese version:
在風和日麗的夏夜漫步森林真令人賞心悅目。 我們走過的每一個轉彎處都有西洋神話人物驚喜等著我們,從充滿活力的燈光、五顏六色的雷射特效騎士狼人、身姿曼妙的仙女娘子。繼續往前走,我們還遇到了國王王后, 要體驗的東西太多了!
漫步在卡薩羅馬城堡Casa Loma)的經驗讓我們彷彿回到了很久以前西方神話的時代。

  • Imagine Dragons- Light Forest – “Fairyland /「Fairyland」(仙境)

Fairyland was a fun place to encounter. Then we saw the warning signs. “Warning Trolling Detected” and “Troll Bridge.” We then came face to face with them. Trolls! And then “Beware of Werewolves.” Lots of signs from historical battles like the fifteenth-century series of English civil wars “War of the Roses (aka “the Cousins War“),” the “Battle of Castillon” which took place in Europe in the 1400s, and “Battle of Hastings,” which brought us even earlier in history in 1066.

中文版 / Chinese version:
Fairyland」(仙境)是一塊很有趣的地方。 處處都是警告標誌,例如「檢測到洞穴巨人」(Warning Trolling Detected)和「「洞穴巨人橋」(Troll Bridge),接者就是和洞穴巨人們面對面的抗爭了。洞穴巨人通關後緊接著 是「小心狼人」(Beware of Werewolves)的告示。 這區還展示許多歷史性戰役的跡象,如 15 世紀英國內戰系列的「玫瑰戰爭」(英文War of the Roses,又稱「薔薇戰爭」)、1400 年代在歐洲發生的「卡斯蒂永戰役」(英文:Battle of Castillon) 以及帶我們推溯到歷史上更早的1066 年的「黑斯廷斯之戰」(英語Battle of Hastings)。

  • Actions at Casa Loma’s Imagine Dragons- Light Forest / 多倫多卡薩羅馬城堡Imagine Dragons- Light Forest 動作表演:

We witnessed some swordplay, archery and blacksmiths. My personal favourite was the Gnome Garden filled with adorable gnomes.
The costumed actors brought so much realism to the evening. Casa Loma, in the moonlight, added dazzling effects to the spooky historic landmark, which is quite fantastic.

中文版 / Chinese version:
行程中我們目睹一系列精彩動作表演,包括劍術、箭術和鐵匠。 我個人最喜歡的是充滿可愛「諾姆」(土元素精靈英語:Gnome)的精靈花園。
身著古裝的演員們為當晚帶來如此多的真實感。 月光下的卡薩羅馬古堡 (Casa Loma),為這座陰森森的歷史地標增添了耀眼的燈光效果,相當夢幻。


Imagine Dragons – Light Forest is a beautiful experience for people of all ages. It runs from July 21- until Aug 31, Wed- Sunday from 5 pm -10 pm (last admission)
Tickets available from:

中文版 / Chinese version:
「Imagine Dragons – Light Forest」 是一場適合全家大小、各年齡層的美妙體驗。 舉辦日期從7 月 21 日至 8 月 31 日止、週三至週日下午 5 點至晚上 10 點(最後入場)。
門票可從卡薩羅馬城堡(Casa Loma)官網: 購買。


  • Imagine Dragons- Light Forest walk-through theatrical experience brought to you by Liberty Entertainment Group Information / 多倫多Liberty Entertainment Group 所為您帶來的「Imagine Dragons – Light Forest」卡薩羅馬城堡劇場體驗活動資訊:

What: Imagine Dragons- Light Forest walk-through theatrical experience at Casa Loma, Toronto, brought to you by Liberty Entertainment Group
Where: Casa Loma Toronto, 1 Austin Terrace in Toronto, ON M5R 1X8.
When: From July 21 until Aug 31, 2012; Wednesday – Sunday from 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm (last admission)
Tickets information: Imagine Dragons- Light Forest tickets are $35 per person; Premium tickets are $43 per person, including a refreshment and signature cookie. Tickets are date and time-specific. Admission does not include access to the tour inside Casa Loma.

中文版 / Chinese version:
活動內容:Liberty Entertainment Group 所為您帶來的「Imagine Dragons – Light Forest」劇場體驗活動
活動地點多倫多卡薩羅馬城堡Casa Loma Toronto,地址位於多倫多的 1 Austin Terrace,ON M5R 1X8)。
活動期間:2012年7月21日至8月31日; 週三至週日 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm(最後入場)
購票資訊:Imagine Dragons – Light Forest門票每人$35加幣; 高級門票為每人 $43 加幣,包括茶點和餅乾。 門票限定日期和時間,不包括參觀 Casa Loma 卡薩羅馬城堡內部。


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