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English version / 英文版:
Michelin-starred Restaurant “Liao Fan Hawker Chan” now offers food delivery service to your home! Foodies can Now Collect Michelin Stars While Staying Safe at Home during the COVID-19 pandemic!
作為一位米其林餐廳追星美食家,因為疫情而導致我過去一年完全沒有辦法踩點任何米其林星級餐廳,讓我憤世嫉俗。 如果您也是米其林的追星者,殘編在此將好消息報給各位粉絲讀者們知道! 我這幾天發現獲得 4 顆米其林星(從 2016 年至 2019 年連續每年都獲得1顆米其林星)的小販「了凡油雞燒臘飯」現在提供外送餐點到府的外送服務啦!讓吃貨們在家防疫依然可以收集米其林星星!
English version / 英文版:
As a Michelin star-chaser, it kills me not to check any Michelin-star restaurants off my list for the past year due to the pandemic. If you are a Michelin star chaser, too, I’ve got great news for you! I just discovered Liao Fan Hawker Chan Soya Sauce Chicken Rice & Noodle, a joint that earned 4 Michelin stars (1 star each year consecutively from 2016-2019), now offers delivery to your home so you can stay safe while collecting Michelin stars!
「了凡油雞燒臘飯」創始時是一間位於新加坡中國城的牛車水大廈中的攤位。 其精湛的食物不僅讓他們成為全世界第一家榮獲米其林一星的小販,也繼續不鬆懈的維持出餐品質,為自己從 2106 年至 2019 年連續四年都獲得米其林一星。這不但為米其林星級餐廳做了個市場大轉盤,改變了米其林遊戲規則,並為當地小販和小型餐館提供了更多被發掘的機會。「了凡油雞燒臘飯」卓越的食物也不可避免地使得主廚陳翰銘朝向企業夥伴關係發展,開設餐廳以彌補客戶的需求。 然而,即使場地更大,陳大廚的美味和出名的醬油雞飯和烤豬肉並沒有減少他們的粉絲,以及飢不可奈的顧客早在開放時間之前便排長龍的景象。 新的場所雖然能提供更多的空間和座位,但顧客到場後會發現餐廳氣氛就像回到小販中心一樣,需與其他顧客共桌,創造獨特而懷舊的用餐經驗。2016年10月, 主廚陳翰銘與和興餐飲集團攜手,將這間夯到不行的餐廳正式國際化取名為「Liao Fan Hawker Chan」,並成功進駐了6個國家,全球連鎖甚至已超過13間。也感謝該集團的賞賜,將台灣列入進駐站中,讓咱們台灣人也吃得到平價的米其林餐廳。
English version / 英文版:
Hawker Chan Soya Sauce Chicken Rice & Noodle started as “Liao Fan Soya Sauce Chicken Rice & Noodle” by Chef Chan Hon Meng in 2009, as a food stall in Singapore‘s Chinatown Complex Food Centre. Its superb food and quality not only earned them the world’s first-ever 1-Michelin star for a food stall for four consecutive years from 2106-2019, which completely changed the Michelin star game and allowed much more opportunities for local and smaller eateries to be discovered. Its remarkable food also inevitably led to Chef Chan going into partnership and opening a restaurant to compensate for the customers’ demands. However, even with a bigger venue, Chef Chan‘s delicious and reputable famed “Soy Sauce Chicken Rice” and “Roast Pork” didn’t cut down the length of the queue of their fans and hungry customers. They lined up way before opening time. The new premises may provide more space and seating, but customers share their table with others just like back at the food centre, creating a unique and nostalgic dining experience.
In October 2016, Chef Chan Hon Meng joined hands with Hersing Culinary Corporation and formally rebranded itself as “Hawker Chan,” a quick-service restaurant and pushed it globally. To date, Hawker Chan has already successfully set up 12 franchise restaurants in 6 countries. We thank the group for including Taiwan as one of its stations so that Taiwanese can get a taste of affordable Michelin-star restaurants.
食記 – 米其林星級餐廳「了凡油雞燒臘飯」外送套餐 / Michelin-starred Restaurant “Liao Fan Hawker Chan Delivery Set Meal Review
想必粉絲們都沒有聽過食物在用 -18 ℃ 的超低溫外送吧!?了凡油雞燒臘飯竟可以做到這點,咱們還是前所未見呢!搞到我們的訂單看起來幾乎和新型冠狀病毒 的疫苗一樣珍貴。不愧是米其林星級的店家。
English version / 英文版:
I bet you all haven’t heard of food being delivered at a -18℃ low temperature. Well, Liao Fan Hawker Chan does, making our order seem almost as precious as COVID-19‘s vaccines.
English version / 英文版:
Daily food preparation is hard work. To maintain quality, Chef Chan wakes up early in the morning every day to prepare fresh ingredients for the sauce for marination for the day. To achieve Hawker Chan‘s signature flavour and tenderness, hours and hours of manual braising are put into the kitchen‘s daily hard work. Chef Chan believes consistency in taste and food quality are essential to culinary
success. He also believes that his hard work is seen in the quality of food he serves.
English version / 英文版:
Liao Fan Hawker Chan‘s delivery set meal includes five mouth-watering dishes. Each dish is seal-packaged safe. The Manufacturing, expiry date, weight, and cooking method are all labelled clearly on each package. Whether you choose to heat them with an oven or microwave, both instructions are carefully explained. The ingredients and nutrition facts are also clearly marked. They even specifically list out the allergen ingredients each product may contain so consumers with food allergies can eat with peace of mind. The set meal we ordered consists of five dishes: “Char Siew (Char siu),” Roasted Pork,” “hundred layer tofu,” “pig’s blood cake,” and “Classic dried tofu.” I’ll be reviewing each dish below.
English version / 英文版:
“Char siu” (Barbecued pork) is a classic dish of Cantonese cuisine! Among the dishes in the set meal we ordered, only this one is “Char siu,” so I assume this one is their signature and start digging in on this dish first. Using Taiwan‘s pork belly, pig’s skin is roasted to a red colour, sparkling with oil.
Compared with any other “Char siu” dishes on the market, the
taste is less salty while remaining the “char siu“‘s fragrance and
sweetness, making the whole dish outstanding.
這一包200克的份量絕不是米其林餐廳的「精緻」,而是大氣的一包肥滋滋又帶骨的香烤排骨,帶骨的排骨使用加拿大的豬腩排,烤箱出爐後,外皮呈現鮮美的琥珀色,閃爍著誘人的油光,而且中間肉的部分竟變成兩道不一樣口感的肉,較為淺色的是肥肉較多的部分,深色的部分雖然看起來似乎烤焦卻一點焦味都沒有,甚至啃到骨頭裡都爆香。咱們一致認同較黑的口味比較好吃。這道跟上面的了凡蜜醬叉燒 有異曲同工之妙,一口咬下,馥郁的肉香瞬間征服咱們的味蕾!肉質紮實細嫩、肉汁豐盈香甜。這幾個月下來,因為萊豬事件跟非洲豬瘟疫情,殘家已經戒豬好一段陣子了。了凡的豬肉都是台灣或加拿大產的。即便對於台灣產品標示上也無法100%相信的我們,這次就豁出去,抱著就算有怎樣,至少是吃米其林級食物罹患的,臨死還能挺起胸膛炫耀一番說「我是吃米其林豬染疫中毒的!」死得有頭有臉的,而大口大口吃得爽。
English version / 英文版:
This 200-gram package is definitely not the usual “Michelin-sized,” but a generous and weighty package of roasted pork ribs containing both the fatty and boney parts. The ribs are made of Canadian pork. The skin comes out with an amber glow fresh out of the oven. The meat part in the middle surprisingly comes out of the oven into two separate meat dishes. The meat part in the middle separates into half lighter colour and half with a darker colour, each with a different taste. The lighter part is the more fatty part, and the darker part, which seems like it’s burnt, has no burnt smell at all, and the taste penetrates into the bones. We both agree that the darker half is tastier. This dish is similar to the above “Char siu.” Waking up your 10 thousand taste buds instantly with its rich meaty aromas! The meat has a solid and tender texture while remaining juicy and sweet. Since the ractopamine pork and African swine fever incidents flooding Taiwan, we’ve quit eating pork altogether for several months already in our house.
Liao Fan Hawker Chan‘s pork is either produced in Taiwan or Canada. Even when we can’t believe the labels on any products sold in Taiwan 100%, we make an exception and go all out this time. At least if we die from it, we can say, “I got infected with Michelin-star restaurant pigs” with our nose up high and die with dignity.
English version / 英文版:
Carefully selected tofus are made with non-genetically modified soybeans. It is entirely different from the ordinary “hundred layer tofu.” One bite is like an atomic bomb exploding in your mouth without warning because unlike the regular “hundred layer tofu” with the texture of a peeling Athlete’s foot, Hawker Chan‘s “hundred layer tofu” has a soft and solid texture. After marinaded in Hawker Chan‘s special sauce, the fragrance with each bite is fascinating.
English version / 英文版:
At this point, we both agree that instead of “char siu,” “tofu” is the signature of Liao Fan Hawker Chan restaurant. This dish is as tasty as the “hundred layer tofu” above, but its bite-size makes one’s appetite compulsive and go for one bite after another until the plate has been demolished. Compared to the “hundred layer tofu,” the “Classic dried tofu” has a more elastic texture.
English version / 英文版:
Hawker Chan‘s “pig’s blood cake” will make diners think you are really consuming pig’s blood containing ractopamine because the taste is so shocking that I almost suffered from a heart attack. This “pig’s blood cake” tastes nothing like any other pig’s blood cake. Not only can’t you taste the stink or odour of pig’s flesh in the dish, but instead of chewy, the texture is crispy! It tastes more like crispy rice or rice crackers. I guess that’s why they named this item “Bufan (meaning “extraordinary” in Chinese”).
English version / 英文版:
I would summarize “Liao Fan” as the abbreviation of:” Liao bu qi (meaning “extraordinary/ incredible” in Chinese) quality and food, with a “fan ren (meaning “ordinary people/ person” in Chinese) affordable price point. I’ve lost too many friends in the past year due to the pandemic. I’m still mourning. Therefore, whether we’re under “minor lockdown (an idiotic term invented by our government)” or not, I still strongly recommend you all to #StayHome and stay safe, unless you “minorly want to die.” Despite being Michelin star-rated, Liao Fan Hawker Chan launches humble delivery set meals, so foodies can continue collecting Michelin stars while staying safe at home. So what’s stopping you?
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