Starlight Children’s Foundation Tea and Tiaras Fundraiser 2019 Toronto – 募款活動為全加拿大兒童病患籌款

by Sally W.

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The 6th Annual Starlight Children’s Foundation Tea and Tiaras fundraiser event took place on Sunday, October 27. Presented by leading sponsor Bloom Lanys Professional Corporation, the event was held at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel in Toronto, starting at 1 pm in the early afternoon. Guests who’d purchased tickets for the fundraising event were all there to support the Starlight Children’s Foundation.

(Chinese version / 中文版):

第6屆 (2019)年度Starlight Children’s Foundation Tea and Tiaras 籌款活動於10月27日星期日舉行。該活動由主贊助商Bloom Lanys Professional Corporation主辦,於下午1點在多倫多費爾蒙特皇家約克酒店舉行。所有購票前往今年的募款活動的貴賓都是為了以支持Starlight Children’s Foundation兒童基金會的愛心人士。

  • Starlight Children’s Foundation‘s purpose is to bring a smile to ill children

and to support their families – their motto is to make children smile and to help families cope. For over 30 years, Starlight Children’s Foundation has been granting out-of-hospital wishes for very sick children across Canada. This afternoon high tea was a fundraising event to support this.

(Chinese version / 中文版):
Starlight Children’s Foundation兒童基金會的宗旨是給患病的孩子帶來微笑並支持他們的家人–他們的座右銘是讓孩子們微笑並幫助家庭正面應對。 30多年來,星光兒童基金會(Starlight Children’s Foundation)一直為加拿大全境重病的兒童提供院外祝福並盡可能地實現生病孩子們的願望。這次的下午茶也是其一支持這個目標的籌款活動

  • The event started with a welcome cocktail and the opportunity to see the

vendor booths that were all there to support the Starlight Children’s Foundation. Booths included tiaras, jewellery, clothing, freshly cut bouquets, purses, and surprise gift bags for $20. The highlight was the Starlight Teddy Bear booth, which has a new design every year. This year, young Madison Ambos, who is one of the 2019 child Ambassadors, designed the Starlight Teddy Bear. Madison was the one chosen to design this year’s Starlight  Bear and a fantastic job she did! Everyone wanted to purchase one of the adorable teddy bears! Madison proudly posed for photos in front of the stall displaying the bears! There were lots of wonderful volunteers and, of course, the teddy bear sales were also manned by a volunteer.


(Chinese version / 中文版):
活動從歡迎雞尾酒開始,在此時間內貴賓有機會看到所有支持Starlight Children’s Foundation基金會的攤位。攤位包括販賣頭飾、珠寶首飾、服裝、鮮花束,包包和售價20元加幣的福袋。不過最大亮點是每年都出新設計的「Starlight泰迪熊」攤位,。此泰迪熊今年由2019年兒童大使Madison Ambos小朋友設計。她所的設計的的泰迪熊深深打動人心,讓經過的嘉賓每人都忍不住想購買一隻!Madison自豪地在攤位前大方百POSE,與自己設計的玩具熊拍照!當天有很多有愛心的的志工;當然,負責販售泰迪熊的也是由一位熱血的志工負責管理。

  • Suhana Meharchand was the host of the event. She started the Opening

remarks at 2 pm. She introduced Starlight Child, Mia, who spoke of her illnesses and how the Starlight Children’s Foundation has supported her. She received a standing ovation!

(Chinese version / 中文版):
今年的活動主持人為Suhana Meharchand,她於下午2點開始致開幕詞。她向在場的貴賓們介紹歡迎同樣身為Starlight生病的小朋友的MiaMia大方的談到了她自身的病情以及Starlight Children’s Foundation基金會如何支持她與帶給她希望,讓現場的來賓們都感動到忍不住齊身站起來為她鼓掌給予鼓勵!

  • The venue was the luxurious chandeliered Concert Hall at the Fairmont

Royal York Hotel. Beautifully dressed guests, including many children, sat at elegantly decorated tables and enjoyed the afternoon tea. Tiered tea set featured a delicious selection of sandwiches, traditional scones with Devonshire cream and a variety of preserves, tasty pastries and fresh fruit along with tea or coffee. It was a time to chat with friends – new or old – and to keep your eye on your bids placed on the Silent Auction items!

(Chinese version / 中文版):

  • Item collections were extensive – from Air Miles points to sports tickets and

huge gift baskets for both children and adults. Using the Mobilbid App was a fresh way of watching how your bid was doing! At the end of the Silent Auction, there was no need to line up to pay for items. The app had already purchased the winners through registration. There were also raffle tickets for sale for more prizes.

(Chinese version / 中文版):
競標拍賣物品種類繁多,從「飛行里程數」到球賽票以及適合兒童和成人的大福袋都有。出價的來賓用新興的Mobilbid APP隨時追蹤觀察出價的進度。在無聲拍賣結標時,更無需排隊購買得標物品,因為該APP應用程式已在使用者註冊時通通幫大家打理好一切,非常方便省事。當天也有摸彩券出售,給來賓更多機會將獎品帶回家。

  • A fantastic fashion show hosted by Toronto Fashion Academy featured

beautiful and elegant dresses by designers Auneya & Joan Kelley Walker. The front area was set up beautifully for the fashion show.


(Chinese version / 中文版):

多倫多Toronto Fashion Academy也在今年的活動舉辦的一場完美的時裝秀,展出了設計師品牌AuneyaJoan Kelley Walker所精心打造的精美宴會裝。 不只服裝美到驚艷全場,場地也為此走秀佈置得很漂亮。

Read also:

Starlight Children’s Foundation Gala 2019

Starlight Children’s Foundation Canada Hosts High Tea & Tiaras 2015


Starlight Children’s Foundation Gala 2019

Starlight Children’s Foundation Canada Hosts High Tea & Tiaras 2015

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