Tag Archives: 意大利
ICFF Italian Contemporary Film Festival 2022 Ennio: The Maestro Screening & Film Review / ICFF年度意大利當代電影節2022年《50年一瞬間的魔幻時刻》電影特映會&影評
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台灣家樂福金品「蘑菇番茄乳酪燉飯」開箱試吃評價食記 / Carrefour King’s Cook Frozen Food Series – “Paella with Mushrooms & Tomatoes” Open Box Review
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Don Alfonso 1890 Toronto named Best Italian Restaurant in World by 50 Top Italy / 多倫多的Don Alfonso 1890義大利餐廳榮獲 「50 Top Italy」 全球最佳義大利餐廳獎
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An Introduction to French Cuisine and its History – 2 / 法國料理的介紹及歷史演變 -第2章
How did Italian Cuisine influence French Cuisine? /義大利料理是如何影響法國料理的?
The start of the French course menu and its order / 法國料理多道菜套餐起源以及上菜順序
What is a Cordon Bleu? / • 什麼是法國料理中的「藍帶(Cordon Bleu)」?
Where does the word “Restaurant” come from? /「Restaurant」(餐廳)一詞是怎麼來的?
Who Discovered the Soup? / 是誰發明「湯」(SOUP)?
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ICFF (Italian Contemporary Film Festival)’s 10th Anniversary Open Air Cinema at Ontario Place’s Trillium Park / ICFF意大利當代電影節在安大略廣場的Trillium Park公園舉辦露天電影院慶祝10週年
Sitting outdoors on a beautiful summer night, drinking some Campari and watching The Chain was genuinely delightful.
在解封後的美麗夏夜坐在外面,一邊喝著義大利金巴利(Campari利口酒)一邊欣賞著「The Chain」影片,真是很令人賞心悅目。
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Vizcaya Museum & Gardens is a 50-acre lavish mansion and gardens of collector James Deering of Deering Harvester Company in the early nineteen-hundreds at the cost of $15 million. The structure is a National historic landmark that sits directly along the shores of Biscayne Bay.
維斯蓋亞莊園/維斯蓋亞博物館和花園(Vizcaya Museum & Garden)是一座美國佔地 50 英畝的豪宅和花園,是 1900 年代初期 Deering Harvester Company 的收藏家 及富豪James Deering 耗資 $1500 萬美元精心建造的歷史地標。
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ICFF Italian Contemporary Film Festival 2020 Virtual Edition Filled with Same Exciting Events / 多倫多ICFF義大利當代電影節在家過節一樣精彩 (中文版向下看 / Scroll down for Chinese version) (中譯:殘編 / translation by Tanya) The 9th edition … Continue reading →
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Italian Contemporary Film Festival -Call the Shots: Female Power through Film for International Women’s Day & “The Stolen Caravaggio/Una storia senza nome” Screening & Review
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時尚高潮VIP米其林級餐酒會道道爆乳。。。酪! Trattoria di Primo 大直- Fashion Ecstasy Exclusive VIP Michelin Food Event at Trattoria di Primo, Dazhi, Taipei Restaurant (英文版看下面\ Scroll down for English) 時尚高潮上週又成功的舉辦獨家米其林級的VIP超級貴賓餐會啦!這次的菜色除了Primo 的明星菜色外,Roy大廚竟還變出連殘編都沒吃過的創意料理!一位大氣的貴賓還帶了「香檳王」(Dom Pérignon) 請大家,幫美食再添一味。 時尚高潮舉辦的餐會都是客製化的菜單,每次聚餐內容的80%以上都是平常Primo菜單上點不到的(趕快加殘編賴ID手刀搶位:(Tinkeebellezza, “ … Continue reading →
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