殘媽 &殘編的台北捷運景美站吃喝玩樂 – 老弱婦孺懶人包

/ Taipei Jingmei MRT Station – An Accessible Guide for The Elderly and People with Disabilities

(英譯:殘編  / English trabslation by Tanya)

(scroll down for English Version / 英文版向下看)

  • 先看殘家台北捷運景美站快速繞ㄧ圈的YT影片 / Watch our Youtube video for a quick tour aroung TaipeiJingmei Mrt Station first:

  • 我想一老一殘最適合的居住地便是捷運附近,外加一個人潮擁擠的夜市


Taipei MRT Jingmei Station

(English Version / 英文版):

For an elderly mom and a disabled daughter, an ideal place to live in Taipei is near the MRT station, preferably with a lively night market just around the corner.
My daughter is a regular victim of Taiwanese scams; my daughter and I reside in Jingmei, but these incidents have nothing to do with living in Jingmei. We eat well, dress warm, and life is good. What more do we need in life, anyway?

  • 少了市區,多了溫馨 / Less urban, more warmth


(English Version / 英文版):

Jingmei, which my daughter refers to as the “jungle” area, has its unexpected beauties. Residents are traditional and caring. Every neighbour has his/her own story, yet they’re not afraid to show their concerns for each other. Hence, they soon become our friends. Perhaps it is serendipity, there are several people living with disabilities in our neighbourhood, and everyone has compassion. Every time they see me, they will encourage me by telling me the improvements they’ve seen in my daughter, even if it’s just a day apart. I’d reply: “Really? I’ll make sure to tell her as soon as I get back. It’s hard for me to see little improvements when I’m stuck with her 24/7,” and these warm little encouragements make our days. However, the first thing I ask my daughter when I see her every day is, “How long have you exercised today? Please put me out of this misery!” She usually replies with “Ugh, stress…”

景美生活商圈,吃喝玩樂都省荷包 / Life inJingmei without Breaking The Bank!

  • 別以爲只有信義區西門町的市區能享受現代人的快樂。景美夜市逛ㄧ圈,吃的喝的穿的、用的通通都有了,還能滿足「撿到便宜」的偷機喜悅。誰能想像一千元可以買到十件清涼的棉紗時尚睡衣?我們「慷慨」起來就到景美唯一的百貨公司,吃碗魔法咖哩。心裡煩躁就過個馬路到佳佳來來戲院看二輪片,或到好樂迪高歌一曲把自己當女神卡卡,開個人演唱會當一個「重生」的巨星。唱到餓了可以到夜市吃道地的越南小吃,還有台灣的假沙威瑪,回味沙漠之美。

Holiday KTV

(English Version / 英文版):

If you believe that city centres like Xinyi and Ximen District are the only areas livable with access to civilization, Jingmei Night Market is a place where you can eat, drink, dress, and find everything else you need. Most importantly, it doesn’t break the bank. Who can imagine a single thousand dollar NT bill can get you ten comfy cotton PJs? When we feel like “balling,” we got to the only department store in Jingmei and enjoy a bowl of “magic curry.” When we’re down, we go to Jiajia LaiLai Theatre to enjoy a second-run film, or the adjacent Holiday Kareoke to host our own concert and feel “reborn” like star Lady Gaga. Once we sing our lungs and guts out,we take a short walk to the Jingmei night market where we can find Vietnamese snacks, Taiwanese -style fake Shawarma and bizarre foods to “refill our “organs.”

殘編輪椅遊一圈大自然,換個心情神清氣爽 / A “Stroll” around the Nature in my “Lamborghini” Wheelchair to Refresh our Minds

  • 有時候殘編鬧脾氣,我就推著她塵封的「藍寶堅尼」輪椅,走一趟河堤公園。回到家她神清氣爽。我呢,就到夜市補一根新疆烤羊串,犒賞自己,身材因此越來越像腦滿腸肥的貴婦;她也脫離了棉花棒的外型,誰說叢林沒有溫情?我們住的景美很溫暖。
Taipei MRT Jingmei Station時尚

(English Version / 英文版):

When my daughter is being difficult, I push her in her so-called “Lamborghini” wheelchair and take a “stroll” around the Jingmei Riverside Park. When she’s back home and feels refreshed after a dose of nature, I’d go back out myself and pig out on lamb-skewers to reward myself. My body grows into a rich-houswife’s figure, and my daughter finally ditched the body figure of a q-tip. Our “Jingmei jungle” is warm.


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