Illumi – a Dazzling World of Lights by Cavalia / Cavalia卡瓦利亞劇團《夢幻舞馬》加拿大密西沙加首映式

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(中譯:殘編 / Chinese translation by Tanya)

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Mississauga was all lit up for the opening of the Ontario premiere of the sensational ILLUMI – A DAZZLING WORLD OF LIGHTS BY CAVALIA.
It is the world‘s most immense light, sound and multi-media extravaganza. Cavalia (the company) was founded by the dynamic Normand Latourelle and is known for its magical, one-of-a-kind experiences, as seen in their previous shows, Cavalia and Odysseo. Taking over a 600,000 square foot space in Mississauga and encompassing 20 million LED lights, Illumi is nothing short of spectacular. There are thousands of light sculptures, high-definition projections and animatronic creatures.
The night started with our entry into the Illumi village with its 47 metres tall Tree of Lights. It is made up of 44,000 brilliant interactive spheres. The setup is so incredible that it needs to be seen in person to truly appreciate it. Illumi creator Normand Latourelle spoke to us about the hard work it took to bring Illumi to Mississauga.

中文版 / Chinese version:
時尚高潮受邀比民眾搶先一步參展加拿大密西沙加轟動一時的 「ILLUMI – A DAZZLING WORLD OF LIGHTS BY CAVALIA」的安大略首映式。
ILLUMI – A DAZZLING WORLD OF LIGHTS BY CAVALIA」是世界最盛大燈光音效多媒體盛會。 Cavalia公司由充滿活力的 Normand Latourelle 創立,以其奇幻獨一無二體驗聞名,正如他們之前的展示CavaliaOdysseo」所呈現一般。「Illumi」在密西沙加佔地超過 600,000 平方英尺,擁有2000萬盞LED燈,甚為壯觀。數以千計的燈光雕塑、高清投影動畫生物,從我們進入擁有47公尺之高的「光之樹(Tree of Lights)」的「Illumi」村便開始令人興奮夜晚。它由44,000個精彩互動球體組成。如此令人難以置信的設置,必須要親眼目睹才有辦法真正欣賞它。 Illumi 創作 Normand Latourelle 向我們講述了自己將「Illumi」帶到密西沙加所付出的辛勞。

From there, Tree of Lights, there were 11 more universes to walk through, so dressing warmly and wearing comfortable footwear was a must. The Cavalia Horses, The Infinite Poles, The Happiness Farm, The Magic Lanterns, The Europea Place, The Crazy Boulevard, A Kid’s Paradise, The Land of the Frost, The Colourful Animal Kingdom, The Tunnel of Love (all aglow in red), and The Scarlet Spiders (full of enormous red spiders).

中文版 / Chinese version:
光之樹(Tree of Lights)接下來還有 11個宇宙可以穿越,所以必須穿著暖和的衣服和舒適的鞋子。景點包括「卡瓦利亞駿馬Cavalia Horses)」、「無限極點(The Infinite Poles)」、「幸福農場The Happiness Farm)」、「魔幻燈籠( The Magic Lanterns,)」、歐洲廣場(The Europea Place)」、「瘋狂大道The Crazy Boulevard)」、「兒童樂園A Kid’s Paradise)」、「霜之國度(The Land of the Frost)」、「繽紛動物王國(The Colourful Animal Kingdom)」、以紅光照耀的「愛的隧道The Tunnel of Love)」、和全是巨大紅蜘蛛的「猩紅蜘蛛Scarlet Spiders)」。

The Cavalia Horses universe has 200 horses in gold lights; these horses are a tribute to the previous shows. The next exciting scene is the Water screens projecting a hologram of real Cavalia horses. Then, Infinite Poles have penguins, whales and lots of ice.

中文版 / Chinese version:
Cavalia Horses宇宙有 200 匹金燈馬;這些是在向之前節目致敬。下一個激動人心的場景全息3D投影真正卡瓦利亞馬水幕。再來還有無限極地的企鵝鯨魚和大量的

Next, we enter The Happiness Farm, a celebration of the farm and animals with music, maple syrup and fun. Our journey takes us to The Magic Lanterns with a pagoda, warriors, panda bears, an Imperial dragon and koi fish. Europea delights children of all ages with its old-time carousel horses. The Crazy Boulevard takes one to Hollywood, Pisa, Rio, Toronto, and Montreal. There is even a light sculpture of Canadian Olympian Andre De Grasse! A Kid’s Paradise is full of oversized candy, cakes, lollipops, cupcakes, and many other delicious treats. The Land of the Frost has plenty of snowflakes, snowmen and elves. The Colourful Animal Kingdom is dazzling with its elephants, zebras and camels. The Tunnel of Love is 65 metres long; strolling through it is a lovely experience. The Scarlet Spiders features hundreds of gigantic red tarantulas.

中文版 / Chinese version:
接下來,我們進入「幸福農場」(The Happiness Farm),在音樂楓糖漿和樂趣中慶祝農場動物。我們的旅程將我們帶到「神奇燈籠花燈展The Magic Lanterns)」,那裡有一座寶塔勇士熊貓、一條帝龍錦鯉Europea以其老式的旋轉木馬為各個年齡層的孩子們帶來歡樂。「The Crazy Boulevard」帶著旅客前往好萊塢比薩里約熱內盧多倫多蒙特婁。這區甚至還有加拿大奧運選手安德烈·德格拉塞光雕兒童樂園充滿了巨型糖果蛋糕棒棒糖杯子蛋糕和許多其他美味甜點。「冰霜之地」(The Land of the Frost)有很多雪花雪人精靈。「七彩動物王國」(The Colourful Animal Kingdom五顏六色動物王國以其大象斑馬駱駝而令人眼花繚亂。「隧道」(The Tunnel of Love)長65公尺;漫步其中是一種美妙的體驗。「猩紅色蜘蛛」(The Scarlet Spiders)展出數百隻巨大紅狼蛛

In mid-October, there will be a luminous pumpkin patch with 3000 fiery-eyed pumpkins, and spookiness abounds in some other universes. For the holiday season, there will be another exciting transformation.
We absolutely loved Illumi, and in our opinion, there has never been anything like this. Illumi is on until January 8, 2023.

中文版 / Chinese version:
10月中旬將新添加一區有 3000 顆火曜眼南瓜發光南瓜地,而其他一些宇宙區中也充滿了萬聖節詭異氣氛。對於今年的萬聖節假期,將有一啟前所未有、令人興奮旅程
我們非常喜歡 Illumi,這是一場咱們從未有過的體驗

Tickets for Illumi are available for each evening at

中文版 / Chinese version:
Cavalia卡瓦利亞劇團夢幻舞馬》(illumi – A Dazzling World of Lights)每晚的門票可在購買


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