Tag archives for 乳酪


Roboclette, the World’s First Machine Capable of Meticulously Scraping Melted Cheese / 世界上第一台能夠刮削融化起司的AI人工智慧瑞士機器人「Roboclette」

Roboclette, The World's First Cheese Scraping AI Robot Unveiled in Toronto / 世界上第一台能夠刮擦融化起司的AI人工智慧瑞士機器人「Roboclette」 (欲看中文版或完整照片庫請向下滑 / Scroll down for the full photo gallery and Chinese version)  Watch Our YouTube Video First…
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台灣家樂福金品「蘑菇番茄乳酪燉飯」開箱試吃評價食記 / Carrefour King’s Cook Frozen Food Series – “Paella with Mushrooms & Tomatoes” Open Box Review

台灣家樂福金品「蘑菇番茄乳酪燉飯」開箱試吃評價食記 / Carrefour King's Cook Frozen Food Series - "Paella with Mushrooms & Tomatoes" Open Box Review: (Scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看) 先看時尚高潮YT開箱試吃影片 / Watch Our Youtube Openbox…
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Dante Coffee Taiwan Open Box Review, Healthy & Yummy

台灣丹提咖啡開箱試吃食記評價 - 健康不失美味 / Dante Coffee Taiwan Open Box Review, Healthy & Yummy (Scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看)  先看時尚高潮YT先看時尚高潮YT開相試吃影片/ Watch Our Youtube Openbox & Mukbang Video First: 從小到大,丹提咖啡在咱們印象中都是提供超好吃的西式餐點勝過咖啡。以前台灣的星巴克也有提供好吃的餐點,可惜近幾年在星巴克我的眼睛都看不見可以稱得上「西餐」的食物,放眼望去都是小家碧玉的糕點甜食。換言之,約下午茶都是約丹提,純喝咖啡才去星巴克。…
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【大成集團】 貝可坊韓式起司熱狗 開箱試吃評價 / Dachan Food (Asia) Limited’s Korean Cheese Hot Dog open Box Review

【大成集團】 貝可坊韓式起司熱狗 開箱試吃評價 / Dachan Food (Asia) Limited's Korean Cheese Hot Dog open Box Review: (Scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看) 先看時尚高潮YT開箱試吃影片 / Watch our Youtube Openbox & Mukbang…
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Wine & Champagne

Vini Ventures – A Safe, Online Guided Wine Tasting Experience. Staying Safe At Home Doesn’t Have To Be Boring Anymore! / Vini Ventures,一個在家防疫也能放鬆自己的線上指導品酒會。 誰說疫情期在家一定悶?

Vini Ventures - A Safe, Online Guided Wine Tasting Experience. Staying Safe At Home Doesn't Have To Be Boring Anymore! / Vini Ventures,一個在家防疫也能放鬆自己的線上指導品酒會。 誰說疫情期在家一定悶? (中文版向下看 / Scroll down for Chinese…
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An Introduction to French Cuisine and its History – Chapter 3 / 法國料理的介紹及歷史演變 – 第3章

An Introduction to French Cuisine and its History – Chapter 3/ 法國料理的介紹及歷史演變 – 第3章 (中文版向下看 / Scroll down for Chinese version)   An Introduction to French Cuisine and its History…
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0 Failure Rate Basque Burnt Cheesecake Easy Recipe for Mother’s Day Handicap Achievable! / 母親節超簡單零失敗率手作巴斯克乳酪起司蛋糕 – 殘編殘障單手也能做!

0 Failure Rate Basque Burnt Cheesecake Easy Recipe for Mother's Day Handicap Achievable! / 母親節超簡單零失敗率手作巴斯克乳酪起司蛋糕 - 殘編殘障單手也能做! (中文版向下看 / Scroll down for Chinese version) I hope everyone had a great mother's…
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時尚高潮VIP米其林級餐酒會道道爆乳。。。酪!Trattoria di Primo 台北大直 Fashion Ecstasy VIP Michelin Food Event at trattoria di Primo

時尚高潮VIP米其林級餐酒會道道爆乳。。。酪! Trattoria di Primo 大直- Fashion Ecstasy Exclusive VIP Michelin Food Event at Trattoria di Primo, Dazhi, Taipei Restaurant (英文版看下面\ Scroll down for English) 時尚高潮上週又成功的舉辦獨家米其林級的VIP超級貴賓餐會啦!這次的菜色除了Primo 的明星菜色外,Roy大廚竟還變出連殘編都沒吃過的創意料理!一位大氣的貴賓還帶了「香檳王」(Dom Pérignon) 請大家,幫美食再添一味。 時尚高潮舉辦的餐會都是客製化的菜單,每次聚餐內容的80%以上都是平常Primo菜單上點不到的(趕快加殘編賴ID手刀搶位:(Tinkeebellezza, “…
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