Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

麗緻餐旅集團亞緻餐飲米其林星級餐廳天香樓天香小食綜合五入組外送套餐開箱評價 / Liz Dining Group’s Michelin- starred restaurant, Tien Hsiang Lo 5-course Delivery Set Meal Open Box Review

麗緻餐旅集團亞緻餐飲米其林星級餐廳天香樓天香小食綜合五入組外送套餐開箱評價 / Liz Dining Group’s Michelin- starred restaurant, Tien Hsiang Lo 5-course Delivery Set Meal Open Box Review

(Scroll down for English version / 英文版往下看)

  •  先看時尚高潮YT開箱吃播影片 / Watch Our Youtube Openbox & Mukbang Video First:

上市公司亞緻餐飲麗緻餐旅集團事業旗下公司。該集團擁有台灣少之又少的五星級亞都麗緻飯店英語The Landis Taipei)和其他幾家大飯店旅社亞緻餐飲旗下據點所提供的餐點從經典杭州菜直到殘編最愛的法式料理都有,光看他們官網介紹就讓我口水直流,今天時尚高潮有榮幸開箱試吃旗下從2018-2021蟬聯四年榮獲台北米其林指南一星、以及從2019-2021連續獲得《葡萄酒鑑賞家》兩個酒杯最佳卓越獎、專攻杭州菜中華料理天香樓組合餐,以下為粉絲介紹

English version / 英文版:
Listed company Liz Dining Group is a company under the Landis Hospitality Group. The group owns one of the few five-star luxury hotels in Taiwan, The Landis Taipei, and several other big hotels and accommodations. Liz Dining, also part of Liz Dining Group, provides meals ranging from classic Hangzhou cuisine to my favourite French cuisine. I start drooling just by checking out their official website. Today, Fashion Ecstasy is honoured to do an open box review for Liz Dining Group‘s Michelin- starred restaurant, Tien Hsiang Lo. Tien Hsiang Lo has been awarded one Michelin star for four consecutive years from 2018- 2021 and won the “Best of Award of Excellence” of two wine glasses from the “Wine Spectator” consecutively from 2019 to 2021. Tien Hsiang Lo specializes in Hangzhou cuisine and Chinese cuisine, which I’ll be reviewing in this post.

  • 麗緻餐旅集團亞緻餐飲米其林星級餐廳天香樓五品外送套餐 / Fashion Ecstasy Liz Dining Group’s Michelin- starred restaurant, Tien Hsiang Lo’s 5-Course Delivery Set Meal:

這次開箱套餐共有五道菜:「杭風鼓汁排骨(“Steamed Spare Ribs with Black Bean Sauce
,” 300g)、花雕鮮醬鳳爪(“Tian Hsiang Chicken Feet with Hua Diao Sauce, 300g)」、「白玉鮮蝦餃 (“Tian Hsiang Crystal Shrimp Dumpling,” 22g/6顆)」、「精釀蝦肉燒賣(25g/6顆)(“Tian Hsiang Shrimp Shaomai“) 」、和「珍珠丸小獅頭(“Tian Hsiang Pearl Lion’s Head Meatballs with Sticky Rice,” 30g/6顆)」,以下殘編粉絲們一一評價介紹

English version / 英文版:
There are a total of five dishes in our delivery set meal open box : “Tian Hsiang Hangzhou Steamed Pork Ribs with Bean Sauce,” 300g),” “Tian Hsiang Chicken Feet with Hua Diao Sauce(300g),” “Tian Hsiang Crystal Shrimp Dumpling,( 22g/6 pcs), “Tian Hsiang Shrimp Shaomai(25g/ 6 pcs),” and “Tian Hsiang Pearl Lion’s Head Meatballs with Sticky Rice,” 30g/6 pcs) I’ll be reviewing each dish below:

  • 花雕鮮醬鳳爪 / “Tian Hsiang Chicken Feet with Hua Diao Sauce”:

這道鳳爪非常特別,不是港式先炸後炆、顏色偏红多汁的,也不是去骨Q彈的白雲鳳爪,它的口味不太甜也不太鹹,而是帶有一種大自然的大地清香,有點類似竹炭箱或竹子香,殘編邊吃邊想,想破頭就是想不出來這特別的香味是什麼,說不出的形容詞讓我 急赤白臉、捶胸頓足,因為我受不了話明明在嘴裡就是說不出來、逼死人的感覺。看了商品名稱才赫然發現那是花雕香。這道鳳爪口感兼具軟嫩和彈性,雞骨頭脆到可以嚼碎,但自魚刺事件後,愛啃骨頭的殘編為了保命,忍著不整根吞下。

English version / 英文版:
Tien Hsiang Lo‘s chicken feet are unique. It’s not the usual Hong Kong-style chicken feet, prepared fried and then braised with a reddish colour, nor the boneless, bouncy “Baiyunchicken feet. Tien Hsiang Lo‘s chicken feet are not too sweet or salty. It has a mild taste with a hint of earthy, oaky, plant-based fragrance. It kills me as I try to extinguish what precisely the flavour is, “bamboo? Wood?” Urghh!” It’s on the tip of my tongue, but I just can’t get it out. After studying the product name, I finally broke free from the annoyance. It’s Huadiao jiu (flowery carving wine). The texture is the perfect balance between tender and bouncy. The bones are tender enough to bite into, but I decide to stay on the safe side since the fishbone incident, despite how much I love demolishing bones of all kinds.

  • 珍珠丸小獅頭 / “Tian Hsiang Pearl Lion’s Head Meatballs with Sticky Rice”:


English version / 英文版:
I haven’t eaten the pearl meatballs for a long time, so I look forward to this dish. However, when it’s served, the thought of the ractopamine pork incident crossed our minds. We looked at each other, struggled for a while, then jinxed “F-it,” and dug in like barbarians. Meatballs are coated in a layer of crystal-clear white glutinous rice. The glutinous rice is as clear as a pearl but does not stick to your teeth. The filling is full of surprises. Instead of the usual pork meatballs, “Tian Hsiang Pearl Lion’s Head Meatballs with Sticky Rice” is filled with fresh, sweet shrimps, which gives us peace of mind.

  • 「杭風豉汁排骨」 / “Steamed Spare Ribs with Black Bean Sauce “:


English version / 英文版:
Short ribs sourced from Taiwanese pork are coated with Potato Starch to make tender, then prepared Hangzhou-style with black bean sauce, green onions, garlic, and Shaoxing wine. Of all the meat, pork is my least favourite, but this pork ribs dish is so delicious that I had to put down my chopsticks, get my butt off the couch, and give it a standing ovation before taking my second bite. The meat is tender and juicy, and the texture is tender and bouncy. The fermented black beans (tempeh) bring out the meat’s salty aroma, making it finger-licking good!

  • 白玉鮮蝦餃 / “Tian Hsiang Crystal Shrimp Dumpling”:


English version / 英文版:
This crystal shrimp dumpling is prepared under the supervision of a Tien Hsiang Lo‘s Michelin-starred chef. It is shaped like a half-moon, yet the size is more significant than ordinary crystal dumplings. The amount of shrimp filling is generous enough to have its pink colour penetrate through the crystal clear skin, giving it a pink glow.. An explosion of freshness and sweetness from the sea comes with each bite of the shrimp filling.

  • 精釀蝦肉燒賣 / “Tian Hsiang Shrimp Shaomai (shumai)”:


English version / 英文版:
Shrimp Shumai (shumai) is prepared with top-quality ground pork from Taiwan and fresh white prawns. Instead of topping them with dried shrimps like any other siu mai on the market, “Tian Hsiang Shrimp Shaomai” is topped with shrimps more giant than any other shrimp shumai. The shrimps are fresh and still retain their fresh, pink colour. The taste of freshness in the shrimps becomes more intense as we chew into it. At this point, I highly suspect Landis Hospitality Group has its own shrimp farming business, bringing the ordinarily bland shrimp dim sum back to life.

  • 時尚高潮麗緻餐旅集團亞緻餐飲米其林星級餐廳天香樓外送套餐開箱總評價 / Fashion Ecstasy Liz Dining Group’s Michelin- starred restaurant, Tien Hsiang Lo Delivery Set Meal Open Box Review in a Nutshell:


English version / 英文版:
Although all dishes in Tien Hsiang Lo‘s 5-course delivery set meal are all common dishes that can be found at any dim sum restaurant, they somehow make each dish into its own unique flavour. Tien Hsiang Lo‘s one star from the Taipei Michelin Guide is definitely well earned for four consecutive years. Tien Hsiang Lo‘s delivery set meal allows us to eat like an emperor at home while complying with the “stay home, stay safe” policy.


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