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包裝上寫著(全世界最好吃的冷凍披薩),口號打著「冷凍比薩界的LV」,在從小被灌輸「要謙虛」的觀念文化中,還能對自家商品這麼有自信的品牌,殘編怎麼可能不試試看?六吋的個人披薩,一片要要價賣到上百元,以台灣的消費水準,似乎有點高,但殘編重質不重量,所以這價錢在我眼裡反而是加分,就開箱吃吃看。原來創辦人Alex是來自美國 威斯康辛州(Wisconsin),也難怪他如此自信。
English version / 英文版:
The packaging reads “The Best Frozen Pizza in the World,” and the slogan claims that it’s “the Louis Vuitton of the frozen pizza industry.” Growing up in a twisted culture of being told to “stay modest” and not to “flaunt your strength, you barely see anyone selling themselves or their product as if (except for our oh-so-infamous foos scandals). I’m sold just by looking at the confident label on the packaging. A 6-inch mini pizza costing over a hundred NTD each seems a bit high for Taiwan‘s Gross domestic product (GDP) standards. However, I’m the kind who values quality over quantity, so the price is a plus in my eyes. Hence the openbox I’m sharing with you today. It turns out California Mini Pizza‘s founder, Alex, is from Wisconsin, USA, hence the confident and positive attitude selling his products.
加州迷你披薩採用最原始的「手工製作」方式,最厲害的地方就是在它的餅皮,前所未見的超薄脆口感搭配天然食材,帶給消費者比義大利在地比薩還驚艷的獨特風味。 萊克多巴安、核食,台灣還有什麼是能吃的?⭐加州迷你披薩廠商榮獲HACCP與ISO 22000國際雙重食品驗認,是台灣認證合法食品工廠,讓大家吃得安心!
English version / 英文版:
The most unique thing about these handmade California Mini Pizzas is their crust. The ultra-thin and crispy crusts are unprecedented. Combined with natural ingredients, resulting in a fantastic experience that blows your mind, even if you’ve been to Italy. With nuclear foods and Ractopamine meat flooding Taiwan. If the egg shortage situation isn’t ridiculous enough. Guess how we’re handling that? Importing nuclear eggs. Now we don’t want our next generation to be born with an extra finger of one less arm, right (trust me, from my first-hand experience, it makes life so hard)?
California mini pizza‘s manufacturer is both HACCP and ISO 22000 certified. Its food factory is legally recognized by Taiwan, so everyone can eat with peace of mind!
English version / 英文版:
The most convenient thing about frozen foods is that consumers don’t need to spend extra time defrosting them, and it only takes less than 10 minutes to get your meal from frozen to ready to eat. Imagine one of those days you’re burned out at work. You’re hungry and exhausted, practically dragging one foot after another on your way home. You spend the last bit of energy left in you to open the door. Once you get your foot in, you collapse on the floor without even taking your shoes off. Guess what? Next time you have one of these days, unhealthy instant noodles are no longer your last resort, and you will no longer silently shed bitter and aggrieved tears while knowing the food you’re eating is garbage. California Mini Pizza only takes ten minutes for preparation. While you can still call it “instant food,” what you intake is the taste of happiness, and those tears are no longer bitter and aggrieved but moved to tears. Like our previous open box food reviews on Michelin-starred restaurants’ delivery set meals, California Mini Pizza‘s delivery is also controlled at -18 degrees Celcius from the production process to pick-up and uses T-Cat Taiwan‘s highest standard frozen delivery logistics services. The idea of “perfection” in its quality control is evident.
English version / 英文版:
Recently, Taiwan has fallen so behind that it’s almost on par with the Fascist era. Food that runs on the ground and swims in the sea is likely to put our people into food safety problems. They’re even cutting ‘the most important meal of the day,’ breakfast, by somehow wiping eggs off the map. Therefore, we only dare to do an open box of California Mini Pizza‘s vegetarian pizza first, consisting of two flavours: “Sonoma County Cheese” pizza and “Vegetarian” flavour pizza. I’ll be reviewing each below:
加州迷你冷凍披薩開箱試吃食記評價 / California MINI PIZZA Open Box Review
English version / 英文版:
This five pungent–vegetarian pizza‘s ingredients are simple: 100% mozzarella cheese imported from France, Italian spices, and pizza sauce. Voila, a classic cheese–flavoured pizza that both carnivores and vegetarians love, is born. A slice of California mini pizza is only six inches, so the preparation time is also fast.
加州迷你披薩「田園派對口味」/ California MINI PIZZA’s “Vegetarian” flavour
,但多了甜椒、 青椒、香菇,以及殘編最無法抗拒的黑橄欖。
English version / 英文版:
This is also a five-pungent–vegetarian pizza. The ingredients are pretty similar to the previous one, including Mozzarella cheese imported from France and pizza sauce, with the addition of green bell peppers, shiitake mushrooms, and the most irresistible, black olives.
The preparation method is the same as the former. Still, after trial and error, we found that California Mini frozen Pizza is best when baked until both the topping and crust are golden brown, even if it’s a bit dark.
English version / 英文版:
Although a piece of California mini pizza costs over a hundred NTD, it sure is a hundred dollar bill well spent. If you watch till the end of our Youtube open box & mukbang video when I exclaim, “I’m ordering a hundred more pieces!” you know how delicious it is. California Mini Pizza manages to make a six-inch mini pizza into ultra-thin crusts while keeping the toppings fresh and the cheese stringy. Rather than calling itself the “LV of the frozen pizza world,” I think it is more appropriate to name it “The Michelin-3-star level frozen pizza“!
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